c programming

What is c programming?

It is generally known as the mother language of computer programming.

It is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language.

It is a procedure and structure oriented language.

‘C’ was developed by Dennis Ritchie in 1972.

Unix is the first operating system written in C.

Why learn 'c'?

It is a base language for many programming languages.

It is a simple language and also provides faster execution.

It is highly portable.

It is widely used in the software development.

As a middle-level language, C reduces the gap between the low-level and high-level languages.


Lots of topics are covered below.

These questions are important for:-

  1. Competitive exams
  2. University level exams
Freshers and experienced  – Both can learn.
Try to attempt all the quizzes to enhance your knowledge.

TOPICS covered

  • C programming :- Preprocessor Directives – 1
  • C programming :- Preprocessor Directives – 2
  • C programming :- Variable Names-1
  • C programming :- Variable Names-2
  • C programming :- Data types and size-1
  • C programming :- Data types and size-2
  • C programming :- Declarations-1
  • C programming :- Declarations-2
  • C programming:- Constants-1
  • C programming:- Constants-2
  • C programming :- Arithmetic Operators
  • C programming :- Bitwise Operators-1
  • C programming :- Bitwise Operators-2
  • C programming :- Relational Operators
  • C programming :- Logical Operators
  • C programming :- Assignment Operators
  • C programming :- Increment Operator
  • C programming :- Decrement Operator
  • C programming :- Type conversions-1
  • C programming :- Type conversions-2
  • C programming :- Conditional Expressions
  • C programming :- Precedence
  • C programming :- If-else statements-1
  • C programming :- If-else statements-2
  • C programming :- Switch statements-1
  • C programming :- Switch statements-2
  • C programming :- For loops
  • C programming :- While loops
  • C programming :- Break & Continue
  • C programming :- Goto & Labels
  • C programming :- Basics of Functions-1
  • C programming :- Basics of Functions-2
  • C programming :- Scope of Variables
  • C programming :- Static Variables
  • C programming :- Pointers-1
  • C programming :- Pointers-2
  • C programming :- Arrays-1
  • C programming :- Arrays-2
  • C programming :- Multidimensional Arrays
  • C programming :- Pointers to functions
  • C programming :- Command line arguments