Artificial Intelligence Foundations Final Exam answers – SkillUp

Here in this post you will find the final test answers of Artificial Intelligence Foundations Final Exam – SkillUp.

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Let’s start with Final exam which is a part of Artificial Intelligence Foundation Exams – SkillUp

Final Exam Answers

Artificial Intelligence Foundations Final Exam answers – SkillUp

Final Exam – 30 Questions

Artificial Intelligence Foundations Final Exam answers – SkillUp

Question 1. Artificial Intelligence can be defined as,

  • The science and engineering of making intelligent machines 
  • Smart code
  • Computer science of intelligent machines
  • Problem solving code

Answer: The science and engineering of making intelligent machines 

Question 2. “A computer programmed to learn like a human, but faster. It can process pre-programmed information as well as take in new information, independently interpret it, then make decisions, and take action accordingly.” This is a definition of?

  • Deep Learning
  • AI
  • Cognitive Computing 
  • Computer Science

Answer: Cognitive Computing 

Question 3. Systems that attempt to mimic the way the brain works are also referred to as,?

  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language
  • Intelligent Machines
  • Neural Networks 

Answer: Neural Networks 

Question 4. Personal assistants such as Siri and Cortana are considered to be examples of,

  • General Intelligence
  • Machine Learning
  • Narrow Intelligence 
  • Deep Learning

Answer: Narrow Intelligence 

Question 5. What are the two types of Machine Learning

  • Deep Learning and Narrow Learning
  • Edge and Corner Detection Learning
  • General and non-general Learning
  • Supervised and Unsupervised Learning 

Answer: Supervised and Unsupervised Learning 

Question 6. Multi-Class Classification is defined as,

  • Where the outcome can be one of three or more options. 
  • Where the outcome can be one of three or more options.
  • Were we predict a continuous value which is a number.
  • When the target you are trying to find can only be one of the two (bi – two) outcomes.
  • What the code will look like but is not the actual code.

Answer: Where the outcome can be one of three or more options.  

Question 7. AI applications need to utilize relational databases in order to,

  • Managing very large volumes of data from all over the world.
  • Process data in intelligent ways.
  • Forcing companies to carefully plan their scalability and apply more intelligence than ever before.
  • All of the above 

Answer: All of the above 

Question 8. SQL stands for,

  • Structured Question Learning
  • Sequential Query Language
  • Structured Query Language 
  • Systems Query Language

Answer: Structured Query Language 

Question 9. A Table has what two main properties?

  • Degrees and Data
  • Data and Tuples
  • Primary and foreign keys
  • Rows and Columns 

Answer: Rows and Columns 

Question 10. Which of the following is a “key constraint?”

  • Primary Keys
  • Foreign Keys
  • Person Keys
  • Tuples
  • Both A and B 
  • Both B and D

Answer: Both A and B 

Question 11. The SELECT statement is used to,

  • Select data from a database and the data that is returned is stored in a result table. 
  • Order data alphanumerically
  • Select only specific tuples
  • Select tuples in descending or ascending order.

Answer: Select data from a database and the data that is returned is stored in a result table. 

Question 12. A collection of software code (also known as a software library) written for Python and used for data manipulation and analysis is also called,

  • Python
  • JSON
  • DBMS
  • Pandas 

Answer: Pandas 

artificial intelligence foundations course 5 exams answers-skillup

Question 13. “I am learning Python!” is an example of what data types?

  • int
  • string 
  • Boolean
  • float

Answer: string 

Question 14. In Python, [1,”two”,3.5,True,1,”two”] is an example of a,

  • Tuple
  • Primary Key
  • List 
  • Set

Answer: List 

Question 15. Dict stands for?

  • Dictation
  • Direction
  • Multiple dictionaries
  • Dictionary 

Answer: Dictionary 

Question 16. A collection of heterogenous objects is called,

  • Tuples 
  • Primary Keys
  • Foreign Keys
  • ints

Answer: Tuples 

Question 17. The length of a tuple is,

  • Always changing
  • Set by variable
  • Whatever it is at the time of creation 
  • Varies according to code

Answer: Whatever it is at the time of creation 

Question 18. A collection of distinct type of objects is called a,

  • Tuple
  • List
  • Dict
  • Set 

Answer: Set 

Question 19. A simple mathematical average of a set of two or more numbers is called a,

  • Mode
  • Mean
  • Medium
  • Tuple

Answer: Mean

Question 20. In this data set, what is the Mode? The dataset is 19,4,33,2,51,32,2,41,18,2,4,1

  • 19
  • 4
  • 2
  • 33

Answer: 2

Question 21. What is the Mean of the following dataset? The dataset is 3,5,3,9,12,30

  • 10.33
  • 11
  • 12.32
  • 15

Answer: 10.33

Question 22. What is the probability of rolling a 4 with a die?

  • 1/4
  • 1/2
  • 1/6
  • 1/12

Answer: 1/6

Question 23. I updated my phone 6 times in a quarter is an example of

  • Nominal data
  • Ordinal data
  • Tuple
  • Quantitative data 

Answer: Quantitative data 

Question 24. A statistical measure that attempts to determine the strengths of the relationship between one dependent variable (usually denoted by Y) and a series of the other changing variable (Known as the independent variable) is called?

  • Regression
  • Linear Regression 
  • Root Mean Square Error
  • Java Regression

Answer: Linear Regression 

Question 25. Which of the following tools is best to use for visualizing geographical data?

  • Excel
  • geoplotlib 
  • Mathlib
  • Cognos

Answer: geoplotlib 

Question 26. A chart that represents a whole unit, divided into categories is called a,

  • Gantt chart
  • Bar chart
  • Line chart
  • Pie chart 

Answer: Pie chart 

Question 27. Charts that have openings in the middle that are for aesthetic purposes or for layering are called?

  • Map Graphs
  • Ring Plots 
  • Pie Charts
  • Column

Answer: Ring Plots 

Question 28. When building a map that shows population density or per-capita income you would build a,

  • Choropleth map 
  • Stamen Watercolor map
  • Map graph
  • Folium Map

Answer: Choropleth map 

Question 29. A comprehensive library for creating static, animated, and interactive visualizations in Python is called,

  • Folium map
  • Tableau
  • Matplotlib 
  • pandas

Answer: Matplotlib 

Question 30. Which of the following statements about Folium is NOT true?

  • Folium builds on the data wrangling strengths of the Python ecosystem and the mapping strengths of the Leaflet.js library. 
  • Folium enables both the binding of data to a map for choropleth visualizations as well as passing Vincent/Vega visualizations as markers on the map.
  • Folium is a powerful subscription-based Python library that helps you create several types of Leaflet maps.
  • The Folium library has a number of built-in tilesets from OpenStreetMap, Mapbox, and Stamen, and supports custom tilesets with Mapbox or Cloudmade API keys.
  • Folium supports both GeoJSON and TopoJSON overlays, as well as the binding of data to those overlays to create choropleth maps with color-brewer color schemes.

Answer: Folium builds on the data wrangling strengths of the Python ecosystem and the mapping strengths of the Leaflet.js library. 

For more, Checkout! Artificial Intelligence Foundations Exams answers – SkillUp

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