Advanced distributed system | NPTEL | Week 8 Solutions

This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 8 Solutions.

This course is on Advanced Distributed Systems. It will start with epidemic and gossip based algorithms and then move on to peer-to-peer networks. The core focus in this part will be on distributed hash tables (DHTs). Then, the course will focus on theoretical aspects such as vector clocks, distributed leader election, the FLP result, and the CAP theorem. The last part of the course will focus on practical technologies such as the Paxos and RAFT consensus protocols, commit protocols, Bitcoin and blockchains, distributed file systems, and distributed programming languages.

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Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 8 Solutions

Q1. Consider the following statements regarding Hashcash:
S1: It is an interactive cost function.
S2: It is a probabilistically bounded cost function.

a) Both S1 and S2 are true.
b) S1 is true, but S2 is false.
c) S1 is false, but S2 is true.
d) S1 and S2 are both false.

Answer: d) S1 and S2 are both false.

Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 8 Solutions

Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 8 Solutions

Q2. Which of the following are properties of a good cost-function?
I. It should be publicly auditable / verifiable.
II. It should be hard to compute.
III. The function should be trapdoor-free.
IV. It should be easy to compute.
V. The function should have a trapdoor.
VI. It should be very hard to verify / audit.

a) I, II and III only
b) I only
c) IV, V and VI only
d) II, III and VI only

Answer: a) I, II and III only

Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 8 Solutions

Q3. Consider the following statements regarding the Bitcoin network:
S1: All the nodes in the network are anonymous and are known only by their public key.
S2: For a transaction from P1 to P2, the hash containing the transaction details is signed by the private key of P2.

a) Both S1 and S2 are true.
b) S1 is true, but S2 is false.
c) S1 is false, but S2 is true.
d) S1 and S2 are both false.

Answer: b) S1 is true, but S2 is false.

Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 8 Solutions

Q4. In an ideal Bitcoin network ________ the nodes agree on the ledger, and the ledger _______ have multiple versions.

a) some of, cannot
b) all, can
c) all, cannot
d) some of, can

Answer: c) all, cannot

Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 8 Solutions

Q5. Choosing the longest chain in a Bitcoin network prevents the problem of _______.

a) double spending
b) non-repudiation
c) authentication
d) None of the options

Answer: a) double spending

Q6. From where does a client obtain the files after a cache miss in the Coda file system (choose the most appropriate option)?

a) from all the members of the volume storage group (VSG).
b) from the client cache manager (Venus).
c) from one of the members of the subset of the VSG that is accessible (AVSG).
d) from the volume replication database.

Answer: c) from one of the members of the subset of the VSG that is accessible (AVSG).

Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 8 Solutions

Q7. Consider the following statements regarding the Coda file system:
S1: When a client opens a file, it is considered valid if it was the latest copy at some instant in the last T (user-controlled parameter) seconds.
S2: When a file is closed, the update is propagated to all the reachable and unreachable servers.

a) Both S1 and S2 are true.
b) S1 is true, but S2 is false.
c) S1 is false, but S2 is true.
d) S1 and S2 are both false.

Answer: b) S1 is true, but S2 is false.

Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 8 Solutions

Q8. In Coda, strong equality corresponds to a situation where a client successfully updates _____ sites, and each replica is _____ of the other’s update.

a) both, uncertain
b) one of the, uncertain
c) both, certain
d) one of the, certain

Answer: c) both, certain

Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 8 Solutions

Q9. When is the Coda file system said to be running in the disconnected operation mode? Choose the most relevant answer.

a) when the Venus cache manager cannot be contacted.
b) when the AVSG is empty.
c) when the file is not available in the AVSG
d) none of the options

Answer: b) when the AVSG is empty.

Q10. When are two replicas in the Coda file system said to be synchronized?

a) If there is strong equality.
b) If one replica dominates another replica.
c) If both replicas dominate each other.
d) If there is weak equality.

Answer: a) If there is strong equality.

Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 8 Solutions

>> Prev- Advance Distributed System Week 7 Assignment Solutions

>> Next- Advance Distributed System Week 9 Assignment Solutions

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