Advanced distributed system | NPTEL | Week 4 Solutions

This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 4 Assignment Solutions.

This course is on Advanced Distributed Systems. It will start with epidemic and gossip based algorithms and then move on to peer-to-peer networks. The core focus in this part will be on distributed hash tables (DHTs). Then, the course will focus on theoretical aspects such as vector clocks, distributed leader election, the FLP result, and the CAP theorem. The last part of the course will focus on practical technologies such as the Paxos and RAFT consensus protocols, commit protocols, Bitcoin and blockchains, distributed file systems, and distributed programming languages.

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Advanced Distributed System NPTEL 2023 Week 4 Solutions

Q1. In the Ricart-Agarwala algorithm, a process acquires the lock when it has received ________ replies.

a) N
b) N-1
c) √N
d) 2(N-1)

Answer: b) N-1

Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 4 Solutions

Q2. In the Ricart-Agarwala algorithm, a process replies to all pending requests after it ________ the lock.

a) releases
b) requests
c) acquires
d) acknowledges

Answer: a) releases

Q3. Consider a process Pj that has received a request message from another process Pi to acquire a lock. In which of the following scenarios, process Pj does NOT send a reply message in the Ricart-Agarwala algorithm?

a) Pj is not holding the lock, nor it is interested in acquiring it.
b) Pi’s request timestamp is smaller than Pj’s request timestamp and Pj is not holding the lock.
c) Pj’s request timestamp is smaller than Pi’s request timestamp and Pj is not holding the lock.
d) All of these

Answer: c)

Q4. The Lamport’s algorithm for mutual exclusion requires _______ number of additional messages per critical section as compared to the Ricart-Agarwala algorithm

a) N
b) 2(N-1)
c) 3(N-1)
d) 4(N-1)

Answer: a) N

Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 4 Solutions

Q5. Which of the following statement(s) about the Maekawa algorithm for mutual exclusion is/are true?
I: A process sends a request message to every node in its request set except itself.
II: A process sends a request message to every node in its request set including itself.
III: For any two processes, the intersection of their request sets is the empty set.

a) I only
b) II only
c) III only
d) All the three

Answer: b) II only

Q6. Consider the following statements about the Raymond’s tree algorithm for mutual exclusion.
S1: It is deadlock-free.
S2: The parent pointer always points towards the holder of the token.

a) S1 is true; S2 is false.
b) S1 is false; S2 is true.
c) Both S1 and S2 are true.
d) Both S1 and S2 are false.

Answer: c) Both S1 and S2 are true.

Q7. In the Suzuki-Kasami algorithm, a request message of a node can be preceded by at most _______ messages in the queue.

a) 1
b) N/2
c) Log(N)
d) N-1

Answer: d) N-1

Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 4 Solutions

Q8. In the Chang-Robert’s algorithm, the leader’s message is sent(forwarded) ______ number of times.

a) 1
b) N-1
c) N
d) 2N

Answer: c) N

Q9. In the tree-based leader election algorithm, at most _____ messages are sent on every edge.

a) four
b) three
c) two
d) one

Answer: a) four

Q10. Match the following leader election algorithms with their corresponding message complexities:

a) A–I,B–II
b) A–III,B–I
d) A–I,B–III

Answer: b) A–III,B–I

Advanced Distributed System NPTEL Week 4 Solutions

>> Prev- Advance Distributed System Week 3 Assignment Solutions

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