Verbal Ability Practice set | MCQ

This quiz set focuses on verbal ability questions. Tags: Verbal Ability Practice set MCQ , Verbal Ability Questions and answers, Verbal Ability Practice set MCQ questions

Verbal ability is an important section of most of the competitive exams. It contains different types of questions which are intended to judge abilities in word power, sentence correction, spotting-errors-2 and verbal reasoning.

So, to score good marks in verbal ability, the candidates need to have a good vocabulary and a strong command of English like in-depth knowledge of grammar, adjectives, tenses, articles and more.

Verbal ability practice set MCQ

Q1. Choose the option having the same meaning as the word/phrase: Louche

A. Gauche
B. Fine
C. Brilliant
D. Indecent

Answer: D. Indecent

Q2. A legislation was passed to punish brokers who ______ their clients funds.

A. devour
B. devastate
C. embezzle
D. dawdled

Answer: C. embezzle

Verbal ability practice set MCQ

(from Q3 – Q5) For the pair of words in the first part of question, choose a word that expresses a similar relationship with the word in the second part of the question.

Q3. Indolence : Work :: Taciturn : ________

A. Observe
B. Cheat
C. Speak
D. Act

Answer: C. Speak

Q4. Much : Many :: Measure : _______

A. Calculate
B. Weigh
C. Measures
D. Count

Answer: D. Count

Q5. Paw : Cat :: Hoof : _____

A. Elephant
B. Horse
C. Lion
D. Dog

Answer: B. Horse

Verbal ability practice set MCQ

(from Q6 – Q8) Directions: In the following question, choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given word.

Q6. Vanguard

A. Regiment
B. Rear
C. Echelon
D. Protection

Answer: B. Rear

Q7. Disparage

A. Belittle
B. Denigrate
C. Please
D. Praise

Answer: D. Praise

Q8. Ameliorate

A. Sweeten
B. Amend
C. Gyrate
D. Worsen

Answer: D. Worsen

(from Q9 – Q11) Read the sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any will be in one part of the sentence. The digit if that part is the answer. (Ignore the errors of punctuation, if any).

Q9. One of my(1)/ favourite actor(2)/ is acting in this(3)/ play also.(4)/ No error(5)

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 1
E. 5

Answer: A. 2

Verbal ability practice set MCQ

Q10. Myself and Gopal (1)/ will take care (2)/ of the function (3)/ on Sunday. (4)/ No error(5)

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 1
E. 5

Answer: D. 1

Q11. The man told to her (1)/ that he had not brought his dog(2)/ out for a walk as he was(3)/ afraid that it would rain.(4)/ No error(5)

A. 2
B. 3
C. 4
D. 1
E. 5

Answer: D. 1

(from Q12 – Q17) Fill in the blanks with most suitable option from the choices given below:

Q12. I was late for my train. When, I arrived, it ______ already _______.

A. Were, leaving
B. Had, left
C. Has, left
D. Was, left

Answer: B. Had, left

Verbal ability practice set MCQ

Q13. He did not have even a rupee with him. He ______ a loaf of bread.

A. Could not buy
B. May not buy
C. Was not buying
D. Could buy

Answer: A. Could not buy

Q14. We ______ for his call since 4:20 pm.

A. Have been waiting
B. Have waiting
C. Were waiting
D. Are waiting

Answer: A. Have been waiting

Q15. It was through the Second World War that Russia _______ herself increased ________ in power, wealth and prestige.

A. witnessed, prodigiously
B. None of these
C. notice, gullibly
D. saw, abundantly

Answer: A. witnessed, prodigiously

Q16. Everyone in this universe is accountable to God ______ his actions.

A. about
B. for
C. of
D. against

Answer: B. for

Verbal ability practice set MCQ

Q17. Here are your shoes; I ______ them.

A. Have just cleaned
B. Just clean
C. Just cleaned
D. Had just cleaned

Answer: A. Have just cleaned

Q18. Read the sentence and find the underlined part of the sentence has an error. Choose the correct replacement from the given options accordingly.

Although most large public relations firms can afford to run information technology centers in-house, some niche firms are discovering that the cost associated with maintaining an information technology staff and from continuously improving hardware and software are larger than they initially estimated.

A. cost associated with
B. costs associated from
C. costs associated with
D. cost arising from
E. costs arising from

Answer: E. costs arising from

(from Q19 – Q23) Choose the option having the same meaning as the word/phrase:

Q19. To see red

A. to victimise someone
B. to criticise others
C. to be very angry
D. to find fault with

Answer: C. to be very angry

Q20. Nabob

A. Frolic
B. Converse
C. Bigwig
D. Doubter

Answer: C. Bigwig

Verbal ability practice set MCQ


A. smooth
B. mended
C. knotted
D. stranded

Answer: D. stranded

Q22. A Wet blanket

A. a person who does not practice what he preaches
B. a person who tries to willfully harm others
C. a person who spoils a jolly atmosphere
D. a warm and affable person

Answer: C. a person who spoils a jolly atmosphere

Q23. To dot your i’s and cross your t’s

A. to pay attention to the small details when you are finishing a task.
B. to obstinately stick to your viewpoint
C. to be guarded in your speech
D. to think clearly before taking a decision

Answer: A. to pay attention to the small details when you are finishing a task.

Verbal ability practice set MCQ

Q24. Read the sentence and find the underlined part of the sentence has an error. Choose the correct replacement from the given options accordingly.

A course of cognitive behaviour therapy can be as effective, if not more so, then drug therapy and without the side effects. In helping the elderly to overcome insomania.

A. as effective, if not more so, than drug therapy and without the side effects, in helping the elderly to overcome insomnia
B. more effective than drug therapy and without the side effects, in helping the elderly to overcome insomnia
C. at least as effective in helping the elderly overcome insomnia as drug therapy, and is without the side effects of drug treatment
D. at least as effective as drug therapy in helping the elderly to overcome insomnia without side effects
E. equally effective as drug therapy in helping the elderly to overcome insomnia without side effects

Answer: C. at least as effective in helping the elderly overcome insomnia as drug therapy, and is without the side effects of drug treatment


In the 1930s, why did author Zora Neale Hurston choose Eatonville, Florida, to be the first source for her collection of folklore?

I was glad when somebody told me, “You may go and collect Negro folklore.” In a way, it would not be a new experience for me. When I pitched headforemost into the world I landed in the crib of Negroism. It was fitting me like a tight chemise. I couldn’t see it for wearing it. It was only when I was off in college, away from my native surroundings, that I could stand off and look at my garment. Then I had to have the spy-glass of anthropology to look through.

I was asked where I wanted to work and I said, “Florida. It’s a place that draws people—Negroes from every Southern state and some from the North and West.” So I knew that it was possible for me to get a cross-section of the Negro South in one state. And then I realized that I felt new myself, so it looked sensible for me to choose familiar ground.I started in Eatonville, Florida, because I knew that the town was full of material and that I could get it without causing any hurt or harm. As early as I could remember, it was the habit of the men particularly to gather on the store porch in the evenings and swap stories. Even the women would stop and break a breath with them at times. As a child when I was sent down to the store, I’d drag out my leaving to hear more.

Folklore is not as easy to collect as it sounds. The ideal source is where there are the fewest outside influences, but these people are reluctant at times to reveal that which the soul lives by. I knew that even I would have some hindrance among strangers. But here in Eatonville, I knew everybody was going to help me.

Q25. As it is used in the passage, the highlighted word material most nearly means:

A. diversity.
B. fabric.
C. information.
D. money.
E. energy.

Answer: C. information.

Verbal ability practice set MCQ

Q26. Based on the first paragraph, it is most reasonable to conclude that while in college the author:

A. decided to become a professor of anthropology.
B. decided that she did not want to live permanently in Eatonville, Florida.
C. felt that her teachers prevented her from studying what she wanted.
D. became disenchanted with anthropology.
E. understood her own culture in new and different ways.

Answer: E. understood her own culture in new and different ways.

Q27. In the second paragraph, the author indicates that one reason she chose to work in Florida was that she wanted to collect folklore:

A. from people of different geographical backgrounds.
B. where her teachers suggested she do so.
C. from a place she had never visited.
D. in a state far from where she grew up.
E. in a state with a large urban population.

Answer: A. from people of different geographical backgrounds.

Q28. Which of the following does the author use as a metaphor for the culture in which Was she born?

A. College
B. Garment
C. Southern state
D. Spy-glass
E. Story

Answer: B. Garment

Q29. In the last paragraph, the author writes that folklore collecting:

A. is less difficult than it appears.
B. is easiest to accomplish in isolated places because people there freely reveal their innermost thoughts.
C. can be difficult in isolated places, even though the people there are the best sources.
D. is more difficult than publishing what has been collected.
E. is the best way to reveal what is important to people.

Answer: C. can be difficult in isolated places, even though the people there are the best sources.

Q30. In the first paragraph, the author’s claim, “In a way, it would not be a new experience for me” refers to the fact that:

A. she had already attended college in Florida.
B. she had already collected folklore in Florida for a college course.
C. she had already experienced new cultures by leaving home.
D. she was already familiar with the folklore she was to collect.
E. she had already received permission to conduct the study.

Answer: D. she was already familiar with the folklore she was to collect.

Verbal ability practice set MCQ

Q31. Which of the following is NOT among the reasons the author gives for her decision to collect folklore in Eatonville?

A. The people of Eatonville would be grateful that she published their stories.
B. The people of Eatonville would have many stories for her collection.
C. Eatonville and its people are familiar to her.
D. She believes that she can collect stories without doing harm.
E. She believes that the people of Eatonville will help her in her project.

Answer: A. The people of Eatonville would be grateful that she published their stories.

Q32. Based on information in the third paragraph, which of the following statements about the interactions on the porch can be most reasonably inferred?

A. The adults encouraged the author (as a child) to stay and tell stories.
B. Men were more frequent participants than were women.
C. Most of the storytellers had not grown up in Eatonville.
D. The author’s parents sent her to the porch to hear the stories.
E. One man, in particular, told most of the stories.

Answer: B. Men were more frequent participants than were women.


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