Article : English Quiz

This particular online quiz focuses on the Articles

Articles, Article : English Quiz

USE Articles: A, An, The, No article(x)

Directions: Choose the correct option(Article) to fill the blank.

  1. He has come without ____ umbrella.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  2. ____ Ganga is ____ sacred river.
    1. a, an
    2. an, the
    3. the, a
    4. no article
  3. ____ French defeated ____ Germans.
    1. a, the
    2. an, a
    3. the, the
    4. no article
  4. Which is ____ longest river in India?
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  5. Honest men always speak ____ truth.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  6. Rustum was ____ young Parsee.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  7. She returned after ____ hour.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  8. ____ Sun shines brightly.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  9. Allahabad is ____ holy city.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  10. Sanskrit is ____ easy language.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  11. But English is ____ difficult language.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  12. She looks as stupid as ____ owl.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  13. ____ Sun rises in ____ east.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  14. You are ____ fool to say that.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  15. What ____ beautiful scene this is!
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  16. She was killed in ____ accident.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  17. ____ pen is mightier than ____ sword.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  18. They waited for her for ____ hour.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  19. ____ moon is shining in ____ sky.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  20. Kashmir is ____ Switzerland of India.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  21. ____ lion is ____ king of beasts.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  22. ____ Honesty is ____ best policy.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  23. He is ____ postman.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  24. She told ____ lie.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  25. America is ____ richest country in the world.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  26. Iron is ____ useful metal.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  27. He is ____ Indian.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  28. ____ Andmans are ____ group of Islands in ____ Bay of Bengal.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  29. Sushma is ____ foolish girl.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  30. But Rajni is ____ intelligent girl.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  31. There is ____ great deal of water in ____ pond.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  32. ____ word to ____ wise is sufficient.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  33. ____ earth moves round ____ sun.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  34. ____ Banyan is ____ kind of ____ big tree.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  35. She is ____ better singer than dancer.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  36. ____ secretary and ____ treasure was there.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  37. ____ secretary and ____ treasure were there.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  38. ____ black and ____ white horse is mine.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  39. He is going to ____ hospital to visit ____ sick friend.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  40. ____ fastest means of travelling is ____ aeroplane.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  41. ____ dinner was not properly served.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  42. ____ Breakfast is ready for us.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  43. Do you play ____ hockey?
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  44. ____ cotton, ____ jute and ____ wheat are grown in our country.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  45. ____ Aeroplanes can fly very fast.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  46. I love ____ truth and ____ wisdom.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  47. Ahmedabad is ____ Manchester of India.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  48. Russia is ____ great country.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  49. ____ rich should help ____ helpless.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  50. ____ world is ____ happy place.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  51. ____ Arabian Nights is ____ nice book.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  52. ____ Times of India is ____ leading newspaper.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  53. ____ tiger is ____ fierce animal.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  54. Call ____ girl standing out side.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  55. The people of Mithila speak ____ Maithili.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  56. ____ Bible is ____ religious book.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  57. Valmiki’s ____ Ramayana is a sacred book.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  58. I have ____ pen and ____ inkpot.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  59. ____ horse is ____ useful animal.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  60. ____ Daniel came to judgement.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  61. ____ cat catches ____ mouse.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  62. We drink ____ water.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  63. I hope to be ____ engineer.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  64. He behaves like ____ fool.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  65. His son is ____ genius.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  66. ____ Gold is ____ precious metal.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  67. _____ Falsehood is odious.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  68. _____ wisdom is ____ gift of heaven.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  69. _____ wisdom of solomon is famous.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  70. _____ bird in ____ hand is worth two in _____ bush.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  71. 12 inches make ____ foot.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  72. _____ fifth chapter of the book is ____ very interesting.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  73. _____ Mr. Sharma whom you met last night is my brother.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  74. Draw ____ map of India.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  75. How blue _____ sky looks!
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  76. _____ Eskimos make _____ houses of snow and ____ ice.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  77. Dr. Hari was _____ headmaster of Delhi High School.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  78. _____ Punjab is a small state.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  79. _____ Gita is _____ holy book.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  80. _____ Indian Ocean is _____ deepest Ocean.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  81. _____ Taj is one of ______ best buildings in India.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  82. ____ Hindus believe in ____ caste system.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  83. ____ Delhi is ____ London of India.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  84. ____ Persian Gulf is ____ narrow gulf.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article
  85. ____ Industrial Revolution changed ____ face of England.
    1. a
    2. an
    3. the
    4. no article

Answers : Article

1. an2. the, a3. the, the4. the5. the
6. a7. an8. the9. a10. an
11. a12. an13. the, the14. a15. a
16. an17. the, the18. an19. the, the20. the
21. the, the22. x, the23. the24. a25. the
26. the27. an28. the, a, the29. a30. an
31. a, x32. a, the33. the, the34. the, a, x35. a
36. the, the37. the, x38. a, a39. the, a40. the, an
41. the42. x43. x44. x, x, x45. x
46. x, x47. the48. a49. the, the50. the, a
51. the, a52. the, a53. the, a54. the55. x
56. 57. x58. a, an59. a, an60. a
61. a, a62. x63. an64. a65. a
66. the, a67. the68. x, the69. the70. a, the, the
71. a72. the, x73. the74. the75. the
76. the, x, x77. the78. the79. the, a80. the, the
81. the, the82. x, the83. x, the84. the, a85. the, the

170+ Grammar Questions | Beginner’s Level

Subject Verb Agreement Exercise – 1


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