Advanced distributed system | NPTEL | Week 9 Solutions

This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Advanced Distributed System Week 9 Solutions.

This course is on Advanced Distributed Systems. It will start with epidemic and gossip based algorithms and then move on to peer-to-peer networks. The core focus in this part will be on distributed hash tables (DHTs). Then, the course will focus on theoretical aspects such as vector clocks, distributed leader election, the FLP result, and the CAP theorem. The last part of the course will focus on practical technologies such as the Paxos and RAFT consensus protocols, commit protocols, Bitcoin and blockchains, distributed file systems, and distributed programming languages.

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Advanced Distributed System Week 9 Solutions

Q1. In Dynamo, a ___ scheme is used to distribute keys within the nodes.

a) Vertical scaling
b) Database sharding
c) Consistent hashing
d) Partitioning

Answer: c)

Advanced Distributed System Week 9 SolutionsAdvanced Distributed System Week 9 Solutions

Q2. In Dynamo with N healthy nodes, we have R nodes in the read quorum and W nodes in the write quorum. Which of the following expressions is correct?

a) R + W > N
b) R > W
c) W > R
d) R + W < N

Answer: a)

Q3. In Dynamo, the nodes regularly exchange Merkle trees, membership and placement information through ____ protocols.

a) Rumor mongering
b) Anti-entropy
c) Direct mail
d) Gossip

Answer: d)

Q4. The ________ data structure is used to arrange links in Google’s Percolator.

a) Linked list
b) Inverted list
c) Tree
d) Stack

Answer: b)

Advanced Distributed System Week 9 Solutions

Q5. Which of the following is not an attribute of Google’s BigTable?

a) lock
b) absolute time (measured in milliseconds from 1/1/1970)
c) notify
d) ack_O

Answer: a)

Advanced Distributed System Week 9 Solutions

Q6. Consider the following statements regarding the Dynamo key-value store:
S1: A put call returns only after the update has propagated to all the replicas.
S2: Each new version of data is treated as a new and immutable version of data.

a) Both S1 and S2 are true.
b) S1 is true, but S2 is false.
c) S1 is false, but S2 is true.
d) S1 and S2 are both false.

Answer: a)

Q7. Which of the following options is not a key principle in the design of the Dynamo key-value store?

a) Incremental scalability
b) Symmetry
c) Centralization
d) Heterogeneity

Answer: c)

Advanced Distributed System Week 9 Solutions

Q8. In Google’s Percolator, the set of timestamps collected _______ of a transaction is its snapshot.

a) in the end
b) at the beginning
c) during the processing
d) None of the options

Answer: b)

Advanced Distributed System Week 9 Solutions

Q9. Which of the following options is incorrect with respect to the observer framework in Google’s Percolator?

a) Specialized functions are executed whenever the data in the observed row changes.
b) Transactions can include multiple rows across multiple Bigtable tables.
c) Multiple observers’ transactions can commit per column.
d) None of the options

Answer: a)

Q10. Which of the following statements is correct about Google’s Percolator?
S1: Batch several RPC calls to the Percolator oracle to reduce the load.
S2: If the oracle fails, it must start issuing timestamps from a random point in the timeline.

a) S1 is true, but S2 is false.
b) Both S1 and S2 are true.
c) Both S1 and S2 are false.
d) S1 is false, but S2 is true.

Answer: a)

Advanced Distributed System Week 9 Solutions

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