Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks Week 2 Quiz answers Coursera

In this post, you will get all week 2 quiz answers of Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks Coursera.

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Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks Week 2 Quiz answers Coursera

Now, let’s start with Week 2 quiz answers which is a part of Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks – Coursera

Week 2: Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks quiz answers coursera

Below you’ll find all practice quiz answers of different topics/sections in Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks Quiz answers Coursera and end quiz exam answers under week 2.

Practice Quiz: Types of Actors and their Motives Quiz Answers Coursera – 5 questions

Q1: What are the four (4) types of actors identified in the video A brief overview of types of actors and their motives?

  • Internal
  • Hactivists
  • Black Hats
  • Security Analysts
  • Hackers
  • Governments
  • White Hats

Q2: Which of these common motivations is often attributed to a hactivist?

  • Hire me!
  • Political action and movements
  • Money
  • Just playing around

Q3. In the video Hacking organizations, which three (3) governments were called out as being active hackers?

  • China
  • United States
  • Israel
  • Canada
  • Venezuela

Q4. Which four (4) of the following are known hacking organizations?

  • Fancy Bears
  • Syrian Electronic Army
  • The Ponemon Institute
  • Guardians of Peace
  • Anonymous

Q5. Which of these hacks resulted in over 100 million credit card numbers being stolen?

  • 011 Sony Playstation hack
  • 2013 Singapore Cyberattacks
  • 2014 Ebay hack
  • 2015 Target Stores hack
  • 2016 US Election hack

Practice Quiz: An Architect’s perspective on attack classifications Quiz Answers Coursera – 9 questions

Q1. Which of the following statements is True?

  • Passive attacks are hard to detect because the original message is never delivered so the receiving does not know they missed anything.
  • Passive attacks are easy to detect because the original message wrapper must be modified by the attacker before it is forwarded on to the intended recipient.
  • Passive attacks are hard to detect because the original message is delivered unchanged and can pass an integrity check.
  • Passive attacks are easy to detect because of the latency created by the interception and second forwarding.

Q2. The purpose of security services includes which three (3) of the following?

  • Are intended to counter security attacks.
  • Includes any component of your security infrastructure that has been outsourced to a third-party
  • Enhance security of data processing systems and information transfer.
  • Often replicate functions found in physical documents

Q3. Which statement best describes access control?

  • Assurance that the communicating entity is the one claimed
  • Protection against the unauthorized disclosure of data
  • Prevention of unauthorized use of a resource
  • Protection against denial by one of the parties in communication

Q4. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) X.800 standard addresses which three (3) of the following topics?

  • Data Confidentiality
  • Authentication
  • Access Control
  • Transmission cost sharing between member countries
  • Data transmission speeds

Q5. Protocol suppression, ID and authentication are examples of which?

  • Business Policy
  • Security Policy
  • Security Architecture
  • Security Mechanism

Q6. The motivation for more security in open systems is driven by which three (3) of the following factors?

  • New requirements from the WTO, World Trade Organization
  • The desire by a number of organizations to use OSI recommendations.
  • Society’s increasing dependence on computers.
  • The appearance of data protection legislation in several countries.

Q7. True or False: The accidental disclosure of confidential data by an employee is considered a legitimate organizational threat.

  • True
  • False

Q8. True or False: The accidental disclosure of confidential information by an employee is considered an attack.

  • False
  • True

Q9. A replay attack and a denial of service attack are examples of which?

  • Origin attack
  • Passive attack
  • Masquerade attack
  • Security architecture attack

Practice Quiz: Malware and an introduction to threat protection Quiz Answers Coursera – 5 questions

Q1. True or False: An application that runs on your computer without your authorization but does no damage to the system is not considered malware.

  • False
  • True

Q2. How would you classify a piece of malicious code designed to cause damage and spreads from one computer to another by attaching itself to files but requires human actions in order to replicate?

  • Virus
  • Worms
  • Trojan Horses
  • Spyware
  • Adware
  • Ransomware

Q3. How would you classify a piece of malicious code designed collect data about a computer and its users and then report that back to a malicious actor?

  • Virus
  • Worms
  • Spyware
  • Adware

Q4. A large scale Denial of Service attack usually relies upon which of the following?

  • A botnet
  • A keylogger
  • Logic Bombs
  • Trojan Horses

Q5. Antivirus software can be classified as which form of threat control?

  • Technical controls
  • Administrative controls
  • Active controls
  • Passive controls

Practice Quiz: Additional Attack examples today Quiz Answers Coursera – 5 questions

Q1. Which of the following measures can be used to counter a mapping attack?

  • Record traffic entering the network
  • Look for suspicious activity like IP addresses or ports being scanned sequentially.
  • Use a host scanner and keep an inventory of hosts on your network.
  • All of the above.

Q2. In order for a network card (NIC) to engage in packet sniffing, it must be running in which mode?

  • Promiscuous
  • Sniffer
  • Inspection
  • Open

Q3. Which countermeasure can be helpful in combating an IP Spoofing attack?

  • Ingress filtering
  • Enable IP Packet Authentication filtering
  • Keep your certificates up-to-date
  • Enable the IP Spoofing feature available in most commercial antivirus software.
  • All of the above.

Q4. Which two (2) measures can be used to counter a Denial of Service (DOS) attack?

  • Enable packet filtering on your firewall.
  • Implement a filter to remove flooded packets before they reach the host.
  • Enable the DOS Filtering option now available on most routers and switches.
  • Use traceback to identify the source of the flooded packets.

Q5. Which countermeasure should be used against a host insertion attack?

  • Maintain an accurate inventory of of computer hosts by MAC address.
  • Use a host scanning tool to match a list of discovered hosts against known hosts.
  • Investigate newly discovered hosts.
  • All of the above.

Practice Quiz: Attacks and Cyber Crime Resource Quiz Answers Coursera – 4 questions

Q1. Which is not one of the phases of the intrusion kill chain?

  • Delivery
  • Command and Control
  • Installation
  • Activation

Q2. Which social engineering attack involves a person instead of a system such as an email server?

  • Spectra
  • Cyberwarfare
  • Vishing
  • Phishing

Q3. Which of the following is an example of a social engineering attack?

  • Setting up a web site offering free games, but infecting the downloads with malware.
  • Logging in to the Army’s missle command computer and launching a nuclear weapon.
  • Sending someone an email with a Trojan Horse attachment.
  • Calling an employee and telling him you are from IT support and must observe him logging into his corporate account.

Q4. True or False: While many countries are preparing their military for a future cyberwar, there have been no “cyber battles” to-date.

  • False
  • True

Practice Quiz: A Day in the life of a SOC Analyst Quiz Answers Coursera – 1 questions

Q1. Which tool did Javier say was crucial to his work as a SOC analyst?

  • SIEM (Security Information and Event Management)
  • Packet Sniffers
  • Firewalls
  • Intrusion detection software

Quiz: A brief overview of types of actors and their motives Week 2 Quiz Answers Coursera – 25 question

Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks week 2 Quiz answers Coursera

This is the end quiz of week 2 in Introduction to Cybersecurity Tools & Cyber Attacks Quiz answers Coursera. It is necessary to complete with 80% or higher.

Q1. Which hacker organization hacked into the Democratic National Convention and released Hillary Clinton’s emails?

  • Fancy Bears
  • Anonymous
  • Syrian Electronic Army
  • Guardians of the Peace
  • All of the above

Q2. What challenges are expected in the future?

  • Enhanced espionage from more countries
  • Far more advanced malware
  • New consumer technology to exploit
  • All of the above

Q3. Why are cyber attacks using SWIFT so dangerous?

  • SWIFT is the protocol used to transmit all diplomatic telegrams between governments around the world
  • SWIFT is the protocol used by all banks to transfer money
  • SWIFT is the flight plan and routing system used by all cooperating nations for international commercial flights
  • SWIFT is the protocol used by all US healthcare providers to encrypt medical records

Q4. Which statement best describes Authentication?

  • Assurance that a resource can be accessed and used
  • Protection against denial by one of the parties in communication
  • Prevention of unauthorized use of a resource
  • Assurance that the communicating entity is the one claimed

Q5. Trusted functionality, security labels, event detection, security audit trails and security recovery are all examples of which type of security mechanism?

  • Passive security mechanism
  • Contingent security mechanism
  • External security mechanism
  • Active security mechanism

Q6. If an organization responds to an intentional threat, that threat is now classified as what?

  • An open case
  • An attack
  • An active threat
  • A malicious threat

Q7. An attack that is developed particularly for a specific customer and occurs over a long period of time is a form of what type of attack?

  • Denial of Service (DOS)
  • Advanced Persistent Threat
  • Water Hole
  • Spectra

Q8. Which of three (3) these approaches could be used by hackers as part of a Business Email Compromise attack?

  • Attorney impersonation
  • CEO Fraud, where CEO sends email to an employee
  • Account compromise
  • Request to make a payment

Q9. Which type of actor was not one of the four types of actors mentioned in the video A brief overview of types of actors and their motives?

  • Governments
  • Hackers
  • Hactivists
  • Black Hats
  • Internal

Q10. A political motivation is often attributed to which type of actor?

  • Hackers
  • Internal
  • Security Analysts
  • Hactivist

Q11. The video Hacking organizations called out several countries with active government sponsored hacking operations in effect. Which one of these was among those named?

  • Canada
  • Egypt
  • Israel
  • South Africa

Q12. Which of these is not a known hacking organization?

  • The Ponemon Institute
  • Fancy Bears
  • Syrian Electronic Army
  • Anonymous
  • Guardians of the Peace

Q13. Which type of actor hacked the 2016 US Presidential Elections?

  • Hackers
  • Internal
  • Government
  • Hactivists

Q14. True or False: Passive attacks are easy to detect because the original messages are usually altered or undelivered.

  • True
  • False

Q15. Trusted functionality, security labels, event detection and security audit trails are all considered which?

  • Specific security mechanisms
  • Pervasive security mechanisms
  • Security Policy
  • Business Policy


Q15. True or False: Authentication, Access Control and Data Confidentiality are all addressed by the ITU X.800 standard.

  • True
  • False

Q16. Cryptography, digital signatures, access controls and routing controls considered which?

  • Specific security mechanisms
  • Security Policy
  • Pervasive security mechanisms
  • Business Policy

Q17. True or False: A tornado threatening a data center can be classified as an attack.

  • False
  • True

Q18. Traffic flow analysis is classified as which?

  • A masquerade attack
  • A passive attack
  • An active attack
  • An origin attack

Q19. How would you classify a piece of malicious code designed to cause damage, can self-replicate and spreads from one computer to another by attaching itself to files?

  • Virus
  • Spyware
  • Ransomware
  • Trojan Horse
  • Worm
  • Adware

Q20. Botnets can be used to orchestrate which form of attack?

  • Distribution of Spam
  • DDoS attacks
  • Phishing attacks
  • Distribution of Spyware
  • As a Malware launchpad
  • All of the above

Q21. Policies and training can be classified as which form of threat control?

  • Active controls
  • Technical controls
  • Administrative controls
  • Passive controls

Q22. Which type of attack can be addressed using a switched Ethernet gateway and software on every host on your network that makes sure their NICs is not running in promiscuous mode.

  • Packet Sniffing
  • Host Insertion
  • Trojan Horse
  • Ransomware
  • All of the above

Q23. A flood of maliciously generated packets swamp a receiver’s network interface preventing it from responding to legitimate traffic. This is characteristic of which form of attack?

  • A Denial of Service (DOS) attack
  • A Trojan Horse
  • A Masquerade attack
  • A Ransomware attack

Q24. A person calls you at work and tells you he is a lawyer for your company and that you need to send him specific confidential company documents right away, or else! Assuming the caller is not really a lawyer for your company but a bad actor, what kind of attack is this?

  • A Social Engineering attack
  • A Trojan Horse
  • A Denial of Service attack
  • A Worm attack

Q25. True or False: An individual hacks into a military computer and uses it to launch an attack on a target he personally dislikes. This is considered an act of cyberwarfare.

  • False
  • True

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