Software Testing Practice test 1

This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Software Testing Practice Test 1.

If you have covered the basics of Software Testing, then you are good to attempt this Software Testing Practice Test 1. This set basically focuses on a particular topic of Software testing. There are two types of questions – single correct options and multi-correct options questions.

The following Software Testing practice tests are designed to test your ability to meet Software Testing requirements.
1. Software Testing – Practice Test 1
2. Software Testing – Practice Test 2
3. Software Testing – Practice Test 3
4. Software Testing – Practice Test 4

This free online Software Testing quiz will help you with self-assessment and prepare for other certification exams as well as Software Testing interview.

NOTE: You can check your answer immediately by clicking show answer button. ThisSoftware Testing Practice Test 1” set contains 10 questions.

Now, start attempting the quiz.

Software Testing Practice Test 1

Q1. The main purpose of integration testing is to find which one of the following types of errors?

a) Logic errors
b) algorithm errors
c) Arithmetic errors
d) Design errors
e) Module interfacing errors

Answer: e) Module interfacing errors

Software Testing practice test 1

Q2. Usability issues are tested during which one of the following type of testing?

a) Unit testing
b) Itegration testing
c) Performance testing
d) Regression testing
e) Smoke testing

Answer: c) Performance testing

Software Testing practice test 1

Q3. Pick the correct statement from the following:

a) Every programming error causes a bug
b) Every programming error is caused by a failure
c) Every failure is caused by a fault
d) Every bug can be tracked to a programming error
e) Every bug causes a failure

Answer: c) Every failure is caused by a fault

Q4. Who among the following preforms acceptance testing?

a) Customer
b) Quality assurance team of the developing organization
c) Developers
d) System analysts
e) Test team of the developing organization

Answer: a) Customer

Software Testing practice test 1

Q5. Which one of the following testing technique is effective for testing whether a developed software meets its non-functional requirements?

a) Path testing
b) Dataflow testing
c) Performance testing
d) Robust boundary-value testing
e) Smoke testing

Answer: c) Performance testing

Q6. Which one of the following can be inferred from the pesticide paradox?

a) Greater number of bugs are detected towards the end of a testing process
b) More severe bugs are detected towards the end of a testing process
c) After a test methodology has been used on a program to detect bugs, it is ineffective for detecting the remaining bugs
d) A test methodology should be applied again and again until all the bugs have been eliminated
e) A good testing methodology when used several times on a program, effectively expose almost all bugs latent in it

Answer: c)

Software Testing practice test 1

Multi-correct questions

Q7. The purpose of the error seeding technique is which of the following?

a) Determine the origin of the bugs
b) Plant trojans in code
c) Determine the number of latent bugs
d) Plant insidious bugs before delivery to the customer
e) Introduce known bugs in code to determine whether testing is adequate

Answer: c), e)

Q8. Which one of the following is false concerning verification?

a) Helps answer the question: “Have you built the right thing?”
b) Concerns checking the final product againts its specification
c) Usually carried out by the test team
d) May consist of review and simulation activities
e) Checks whether an artifact produced at the end of a phase conforms to the corresponding artifact produced in a previous phase

Answer: a), b), c)

Software Testing practice test 1

Q9. Unit testing of a software module does NOT test which of the following?

a) Whether the module interfaces well with other modules
b) Whether the functions in the module are working as per design
c) Whether all arithmetic statements in the module are working properly
d) Whether the module meets the non-functional requirements specified in the SRS document
e) Whether all control statements in the module are working properly

Answer: a), d)

Q10. The V model of software development is not appropriate for the development of which of the following applications?

a) Nuclear reactor control software
b) Avionics software
c) Automotive control software
d) Management information system (MIS) software
e) Graphical user interface development project

Answer: d), e)

Software Testing practice test 1

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