Problem Solving Through Programming in C NPTEL Week 4 programs

This article will help you with the answers of Problem Solving Through Programming in C NPTEL Week 4 programs.

Week 4 Program 01 Solution

Write a C Program to Find the Smallest Number among Three Numbers (integer values) using Nested IF-Else statement.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
    int n1, n2, n3; 
    scanf("%d %d %d", &n1, &n2, &n3); /* where three number are read from the test cases and are stored in the variable n1, n2 and n3 */

    if((n1 < n2) && (n1 < n3))
      printf("%d is the smallest number.", n1);
    else if(n2 < n3)
      printf("%d is the smallest number.", n2);
      printf("%d is the smallest number.", n3);

Week 4 Program 02 Solution

Write a C program to find power of a number using while loops. The base number (>0) and exponent (>=0) is taken from the test cases.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()
int base, exponent;
long int result;
scanf("%d", &base); //The base value is taken from test case
scanf("%d", &exponent);  //The exponent value is taken from test case

result = 1;
while(exponent > 0) {
  result *= base;
  exponent -=1;

printf("The result is : %ld\n", result);
return 0;

Week 4 Program 03 Solution

Write a C program to calculate the Sum of First and the Last Digit of a given Number. For example if the number is 1234 the result is 1+4 = 5.

#include <stdio.h>
int main()

int N, First_digit, Last_digit;

scanf("%d", &N); //The number is accepted from the test case

Last_digit = N % 10;

while(N > 0) {
  First_digit = N;
  N = N / 10;

printf("Sum of First and Last digit = %d", First_digit + Last_digit);

return 0;

Week 4 Program 04 Solution

Write a program to find the factorial of a given number using while loop.

void main()
    int n;
    long int fact;  /* n is the number whose factorial we have to find and fact is the factorial */
    scanf("%d",&n);  /* The value of n is taken from test cases */

    fact = 1;
    int num = n;
    while(num>0) {
       fact = fact * num;
    printf("The Factorial of %d is : %ld",n,fact);

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