This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) will help you with the answers of Programming in Modern C++ NPTEL 2023 Week 3 Assignment Solutions.
Programming in C++ is so fundamental that all companies dealing with systems as well as application development (including web, IoT, embedded systems) have a need for the same. These include – Microsoft, Samsung, Xerox, Yahoo, Oracle, Google, IBM, TCS, Infosys, Amazon, Flipkart, etc. This course would help industry developers to be up-to-date with the advances in C++ so that they can remain at the state-of-the-art.
Course layout (Answers link)
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Week 0: Assignment answers
Week 1:Â Programming in C++ is Fun
Week 2: C++ as Better C.
Week 3: OOP in C++.
Week 4: OOP in C++.Â
Week 5:Â Inheritance.
Week 6: Polymorphism.Â
Week 7:Â Type Casting.
Week 8:Â Exceptions and Templates.
Week 9:Â Streams and STL
Week 10:Â Modern C++
Week 11: Lambda and Concurrency.
Week 12: Move, Rvalue and STL Containers.
NOTE: You can check your answer immediately by clicking show answer button. This set of “Programming in Modern C++ NPTEL 2023 Week 3 Assignment Solution” contains 09 questions.
Now, start attempting the quiz.
Programming in Modern C++ NPTEL 2023 Week 3 Assignment Solutions
Q1. What will be the output/error?
a) Compilation error at LINE-1
b) s s2 s s4
c) s s2 s4
d) s2 s4
Answer: c)
Q2. What will be the output?
a) 3 4
b) 15 16
c) 9 10
d) 4 5
Answer: c)
Q3. Which line/s will generate compilation error/s?
a) LINE-1
b) LINE-2
c) LINE-3
d) LINE-4
Answer: a), b)
Q4. What will be the output?
a) 02020202
b) 0202
c) 0222
d) 0002
Answer: c)
Q5. What is the type of this pointer associated with the object c?
a) const Check* this
b) Check* const this
c) Check const* const this
d) const Check* const this
Answer: c), d)
Q6. What will be the output/error?
a) 0
b) K
c) 0K
d) Compilation error: call of overload Test() is ambiguous
Answer: d)
Q7. What will be the output/error?
a) 10 20
b) 20 50
c) Compilation Error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
d) Compilation Error: private data members are inaccessible
Answer: c)
Q8. What will be the output/error?
a) 0
b) 5
c) 6
d) Compilation error: assignment of member ‘Data::_d’ in read-only object
Answer: d)
Q9. Fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that the program will print 2.
a) ++x
b) ++this->x
c) x++
d) ++this.x
Answer: a), b)
Programming in Modern C++ NPTEL 2023 Week 3 Assignment Solutions
Q1. Which line/s will generate an error?
a) LINE-1
b) LINE-2
c) LINE-3
d) LINE-4
Answer: a)
Q2. Fill in the blanks with proper access specifiers so that member y can be accessed from outside of the class but member x cannot be accessed.
a) public, public
b) public, private
c) private, public
d) private, private
Answer: c) private, public
Q3. What will be the output/error?
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 1st
d) Compilation Error: call of overloaded ‘myClass()’ is ambiguous
Answer: d) Compilation Error: call of overloaded ‘myClass()’ is ambiguous
Q4. What will be the output?
a) 1 2
b) 3 1
c) 2 3
d) 3 4
Answer: c) 2 3
Q5. Fill in the blank at LINE-1 so that the program will print fun is coding.
a) *lstr, *mstr, *fstr
b) *mstr, *fstr, *lstr
c) *lstr, *fstr, *mstr
d) *fstr, *lstr, *mstr
Answer: a) *lstr, *mstr, *fstr
Q6. What will be the output?
a) 2 7
b) 0 0
c) Compilation error: no default constructor
d) Compilation error: constructor is private
Answer: d) Compilation error: constructor is private
Q7. What will be the output/error?
a) 10 20
b) 20 50
c) Compilation Error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
d) Compilation Error: private data members are incaccessible
Answer: c) Compilation Error: lvalue required as left operand of assignment
Q8. What wil be the output/error?
a) 1st
b) 2nd
c) 1st
d) Compilation error: conversion from ‘int’ to ‘Test’ is ambiguous
Answer: d) Compilation error: conversion from ‘int’ to ‘Test’ is ambiguous
Q9. Fill in the blank at LINE-1 such that the program will print 5.
a) int
b) const int
c) mutable int
d) int mutable
Answer: c), d)
Programming in Modern C++ NPTEL 2022 Week 3 Assignment Solutions

Answer: c), d)

Answer: b)

Answer: d)

a) D E F
b) B C D
c) B C D E F
d) D E F G H I J K
Answer: a)

Answer: c), d)

Answer: b)

Answer: b)

Answer: d)

Answer: c)
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DISCLAIMER: Use these answers only for the reference purpose. Quizermania doesn't claim these answers to be 100% correct. So, make sure you submit your assignments on the basis of your knowledge.
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