Principles of Management | NPTEL | Week 1 Assignment Solutions

This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Principles of Management NPTEL Week 1 Assignment Solutions.

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Principles of Management NPTEL Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q1. Which of the following statements are true:

  1. Top-level managers primarily require a high level of organizing functions.
  2. First-level managers require the highest proficiency in leading functions.
  3. Middle managers formulate the vision, mission, goals, and objectives.
  4. Operational functions and technical proficiency are needed by the first-level managers.
  5. Top managers focus on building interpersonal relationships and developing trust and empathy.

a) 1, 3, 5
b) 2 and 4
c) 4 only
d) 1, 2, 4
e) 2, 3, 4

Answer: d) 1, 2, 4

Q2. As the head of a project team, Rajat faced a challenge when team members seemed demotivated and lacked direction. Recognizing the need for inspiration, she held team-building sessions, encouraged open communication, and set clear goals. What aspects of managerial skills are required by Rajat?

a) Problem-solving skills
b) Organizing skills
c) Leading skills
d) Planning skills
e) Controlling skills

Answer: c) Leading skills

Q3. A multinational corporation implemented a new PMS (Performance Management System) to ensure that its subsidiaries across the globe adhere to established standards. The system includes regular performance assessments, KPIs, and feedback mechanisms. Managers utilize this to monitor and regulate the organizational processes effectively and efficiently. What aspect of management is exemplified in this case study?

a) Planning
b) Controlling
c) Organizing
d) Leading

Answer: b) Controlling

Principles of Management NPTEL Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q4. Which statement best describes the difference between a vision and a mission?

a) A vision outlines specific objectives; a mission emphasizes the overall purpose of the organization
b) A vision focuses on short-term goals; a mission is concerned with long-term goals
c) A vision defines the company’s value; a mission is concerned with strategic objective
d) A vision is futuristic in nature; A mission communicates the fundamental reasoning behind its existence

Answer: d) A vision is futuristic in nature; A mission communicates the fundamental reasoning behind its existence

Q5. In the maturity stage of the organizational lifecycle, a company faces stabilized growth and heightened competition. To sustain its market position, the management has decided to implement a strategy. What strategy is most suitable for the scenario? 

a) Market penetration through aggressive advertising and promotions
b) Product diversification to explore new markets and customer segments
c) Cost leadership by streamlining operations
d) Divestment or Exit from the market due to the declining profitability and stagnation of the market share

Answer: b) Product diversification to explore new markets and customer segments

Q6. Which of the following skills is typically not included in the category of human skills?

a) Technical Expertise
b) Emotional Intelligence
c) Teamwork and Collaboration
d) Communication Skills

Answer: a) Technical Expertise

Principles of Management NPTEL Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q7. Among the following options, which is not typically considered a decisional role of managers?

a) Entrepreneur
b) Resource Allocator
c) Leader
d) Negotiator

Answer: c) Leader

Q8. The future of the work demands:

a) Specialization in narrow fields and static expertise
b) Continuous learning, adaptability, and a diverse skillset
c) Emphasis on traditional skillsets and resistance to change
d) Dependence on routine task and fixed career trajectories

Answer: b) Continuous learning, adaptability, and a diverse skillset

Q9. The leading function does not include:

a) Developing interpersonal relations
b) Encouraging, motivating, and resolving interpersonal conflicts
c) Face to face interaction, communication with members
d) Ensure members actions are consistent with organizational values and standards

Answer: d) Ensure members actions are consistent with organizational values and standards

Principles of Management NPTEL Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q10. Whose responsibility is to manage customer expectations?

a) The entire organization and all employees
b) External consultant hired for customer relations
c) Exclusively the customer service team 
d) Only the marketing department

Answer: a) The entire organization and all employees

Previous Year –

Principles of Management NPTEL Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q1. Studying both mainstream and multi-stream management is beneficial as:

a) It reminds us that management is not value-neutral – There are moral responsibilities inherent in being a manager.
b) It helps you to understand where you and the other managers lie along a continuum
c) None of these options
d) It reminds us that management is not value-neutral – There are moral responsibilities inherent in being a manager and it also helps us to understand where we and other other managers lie along a continuum

Answer: d)

Principles of Management NPTEL Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q2. Which function of management decides about designing structures and allocating resources to people:

a) Planning
b) Organizing
c) Leading
d) Controlling

Answer: b) Organizing

Q3. Identify the definition to multi-stream approach of management:

a) Management is the art of getting things done through and with people in formally organized groups.
b) Management is a multi-purpose organ that manages a business, manages managers and manages workers and work.
c) Management is the process of planning, organizing, leading, controlling human and other organizational resources with the aim of achieving organizational goals efficiently and effectively.
d) The process of planning, organizing, leading, controlling human and other organizational resources with the aim of achieving organizational goals virtuously and effectively.

Answer: d)

Q4. Statement 1: Coach takes care of the professional development of subordinate employees 
Statement 2: Nurtures takes care of the professional and personal development of employees

a) Statement 1 is correct, statement 2 is incorrect
b) Statement 1 is incorrect, statement 1 is correct
c) Both statements are incorrect
d) Both statements are correct

Answer: d) Both statements are correct

Q5. The increased emphasis on organizational and managerial ethics has led to the following impact of change:

a) Discrimination concerns
b) Work-life balance
c) Increased accountability
d) Shifting organizational boundaries

Answer: c) Increased accountability

Principles of Management NPTEL Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q6. Identify the skills that middle managers need to possess:

a) Technical Skills
b) Human Skills
c) Conceptual Skills
d) All the skills

Answer: b) Human Skills

Q7. Identify the Mintzberg’s managerial role which can be categorized as decisional:

a) Spokesperson
b) Leader
c) Disturbance Handler
d) Liaison

Answer: c) Disturbance Handler

Principles of Management NPTEL Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q8. The individuals who manage the work of first-line managers in an organization are:

a) Executive managers
b) Top managers
c) Middle managers
d) First-line managers

Answer: c) Middle managers

Principles of Management NPTEL Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q9. The specific actions or behaviours expected of a manager are referred to as:

a) Responsibilities
b) Functions
c) Skills
d) Roles

Answer: d) Roles

Q10. Which among the following is a mainstream approach of management:

a) Striking a balance to maintain ecological safety, social justice, and emphasis on human dignity and happiness
b) Maximising benefits of multiple stakeholders
c) Maximisation of profit
d) Addressing problems of workplace diversity

Answer: c) Maximisation of profit

Principles of Management NPTEL Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Previous Course – Principles of Management NPTEL Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q1. Which of the following can NOT be one of the things of managing within existing theory and philosophy of management to define management as a profession?

a) Capital
b) Men
c) Materials
d) Negotiation

Answer: d) Negotiation

Q2. Which type of managers are responsible for leading a particular function or a subunit within a function?

a) General managers
b) Functional managers
c) Frontline managers
d) None of these

Answer: c) Frontline managers

Q3. The functions of management relate to those activities that help in ————— ———- and also in achieving the goals and objectives of organizations. Fill up the blanks with suitable options.

a) time management
b) resource management
c) value addition
d) staff development

Answer: c) value addition

Q4. Which role of the management does involve with implementing decision, using information to advocate for the manager’s goal for organisation?

a) Coordinator
b) Fund mobilizer
c) Resource allocator
d) None of the above

Answer: c) Resource allocator

Q5. The right materials and the right employees are necessary for each organizational function and activity. Which principle of management does it deal with? `

a) General function of management
b) Equity
c) Order
d) Scalar chain

Answer: c) Order

Q6. The interests of one employee or group of employees are subordinate to the interests and goals of the —————. Fill up the blank.

a) organization
b) staffing
c) coordination
d) controlling

Answer: a) organization

Q7. How many main areas of scientific management practice have you learnt from the lecture?

a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four

Answer: c) Three

Q8. How are the terms like, standardization of work, simplification of work, scientific study on work, differential wage rate, mental revolution, etc., related with?

a) Basic ideas of scientific management
b) Techniques of scientific management
c) Principles of scientific management
d) None of the above

Answer: b) Techniques of scientific management

Q9. Classical approach of management thought relates to scientific, administrative and bureaucratic management. Who developed the scientific approach?

a) Max Webber
b) H. Fayol, Lyndall, Urwick, etc.
c) F. W. Taylor, H. Emerson, H. Gantt, etc.
d) D. McGregor

Answer: c) F. W. Taylor, H. Emerson, H. Gantt, etc.

Q10. Which of the following is NOT related to behavioural approach of management thought?

a) Nudge Theory
b) Hawthorne studies
c) Need Theory
d) Theory of X and Y

Answer: a) Nudge Theory

Previous Course – Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q1. The individuals who manage the work of first-line managers in an organization are

a) Executive managers
b) Top managers
c) Middle managers
d) First-line managers

Answer: c) Middle managers

Q2. Which function of management identifies organizational goals and strategies at the time of strategic change or fine tuning

a) Leading
b) Organizing
c) Controlling
d) Planning

Answer: d) Planning

Q3. Identify the Mintzberg’s managerial role which can be categorized as decisional:

a) Spokesperson
b) Leader
c) Disturbance Handler
d) Liaison

Answer: c) Disturbance Handler

Q4. The people in the organization with the role of transmit information to outsiders through speech reports and again memos or memorandums are:

a) Spokesperson
b) Leaders
c) Managers
d) Liaison

Answer: a) Spokesperson

Q5. The specific actions or behaviours expected of a manager are referred to as:

a) Responsibilities
b) Functions
c) Skills
d) Roles

Answer: d) Roles

Principles of Management NPTEL Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q6. Identify the specific skills that middle managers need to possess:

a) Technical Skills
b) Human Skills
c) Conceptual Skills
d) All these skills

Answer: b) Human Skills

Q7. Which among the following is a mainstream approach of management:

a) Striking a balance to maintain ecological safety, social justice, and emphasis on human dignity and happiness
b) Maximising benefits of multiple stakeholders
c) Maximisation of profit
d) Addressing problems of workplace diversity

Answer: c) Maximisation of profit

Q8. The increased emphasis on organizational and managerial ethics has led to the following impact of change:

a) Discrimination concerns
b) Work-life balance
c) Increased accountability
d) Shifting organizational boundaries

Answer: c) Increased accountability

Principles of Management NPTEL Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q9. Which function of management decides about designing structures and allocating resources to people:

a) Planning
b) Organizing
c) Leading
d) Controlling

Answer: b) Organizing

Q10. Successful department and organizations just don’t happen, they are _________:

a) Created
b) Managed
c) Evolved
d) Reoriented

Answer: b) Managed

Principles of Management NPTEL Week 1 Assignment Solutions

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