UML – Object Oriented Concepts

Before learning about Object-Oriented Concepts(Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Using UML). First, understand- 

What is UML and its diagram types?


In this post we are going to discuss Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Using UML.

  • UML can be described as the successor of object-oriented (OO) analysis and object-oriented design. UML is powerful enough to represent all the concepts that exists in object oriented analysis and design.

So, whenever we are going to develop one software in some object-oriented programming language. Then, at first are going through the phase known as the object-oriented analysis. And in this object-oriented analysis, we shall gather all the required information and requirements from the clients and from the stakeholders. And then, we shall draw some respective UML diagrams to represent them in a certain modular view(or in certain model) and then we shall go for the object-oriented design.

In object-oriented design we shall do the implementation of those models in the respective diagrams and later we are going for object-oriented implementation, where we’ll be implementing the same using object-oriented programming language.

Following are some fundamental concepts of object-oriented world:

1. Objects:- Objects represent an entity and the basic building block.

2. Class:- Class is the blueprint of an object.

So, whatever, we are going to do is for the objects. What are the states and how the states will get changed, transitions will take place from one state to another state for an object. And how these objects are getting relate in between each other. What are the different kinds of relationships between the objects? So, we are dealing with these objects throughout our object oriented analysis and design.

Class is the blueprint of an object. So, similar type of objects will have one blueprint known as a class.

3. Abstraction:- Abstraction represents the behavior of a real-world entity.

4. Encapsulation:- Encapsulation is the mechanism of binding the data together and hiding them from the outside world.

So, Encapsulation is nothing but one mechanism for binding the data together and we shall keep that data hidden from the external world for the security reasons.

5. Inheritance:- Inheritance is the mechanism of making new classes from the existing ones.

That means, it is actually enhancing reusability. Here, reusability means once which has been designed or define. We can reuse that one to define the other new entities.

6. Polymorphism:- It defines the mechanism to exist in different forms.

Potential benefits of object-oriented concepts:-

  • Managed complexity
  • Improved quality
  • Increased reusability
  • Increased extensibility
  • Financial benefits
  • Increased chance of project success
  • Reduced maintenance burden
  • Reduced application backlog

Drawbacks of Object Oriented Concept:-

  • Requires greater concentration on requirements, analysis and design.
    • So, all the recommends which are there with the client, with the stakeholders. They are to be accumulated very sincerely, no requirement should be missed out. So, all the requirements should be gathered and then we shall go for the implementation accordingly.
  • Developers must work closely with users.
    • So, that means users should be constantly in touch of the development process. So, that user can also share his or her views when the development will be in process or in progress.
  • Requires a complete change the mindset on the part of the individuals.
  • Provide only long time benefits.
  • Demands up-front investments in training and tools.
    • Obviously, our manpower will be working in this particular system design, system analysis or system implementation. They must have the proper training on this object-oriented technology and concepts.
  • Insists more on testing.
  • Still the success is greatly depending on people involved.
    • So, how the system has got analyzed and whether there is any flaw in the analysis or not, these things will matter at the end when the system is going to be implemented.

Conclusion: We are very much interested to work in the object oriented environment for the better utilization of our resources and reusability of our resources and extension of our systems can be done very easily, if we design the system in our object-oriented concepts.

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