Introduction To Internet Of Things | NPTEL | Week 7 Solutions

This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions.

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Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q1. Raspberry Pi is like a mini computer which can perform a wide range of general purpose tasks.

a. True
b. False

Answer: a. True

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q2. What is the complete form of GPIO pins on Raspberry Pi devices.

a. General Public Input/Output
b. Generative Purpose Input/Output
c. General Purpose Input/Output
d. Global Purpose Input/Output

Answer: c. General Purpose Input/Output

Q3. The Python program which you execute on Raspberry Pi to read data from sensors and control actuators has the same syntax and style as any other Python program.

a. False
b. True

Answer: b. True

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q4. During remote server access by a Raspberry Pi, where the Raspberry Pi acts as a client, the client needs the following?

a. Only IP address of server
b. Only port number
c. Both server IP address and port number
d. Client’s IP address

Answer: c. Both server IP address and port number

Q5. Which among the following are valid data processing activities

a. Data Splitting
b. Data filtering
c. Data plotting
d. All of the given

Answer: d. All of the given

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q6. Consider the following Python code snippet. Assume the syntax is correct and all required libraries are imported
var = ‘Sensor@Actuator%Arduino’
pt = var.split(‘%’)
What will be the output (See every detail, including the apostrophes carefully)?

a. [‘Sensor’,’Actuator’,’Arduino’]
b. [‘Sensor@Actuator’,’Arduino’]
c. [‘Sensor’,’Actuator%Arduino’]
d. [‘Sensor@Actuator%Arduino’]

Answer: b. [‘Sensor@Actuator’,’Arduino’]

Q7. Which among the following functions do you use while using MATPLOTLIB to add title to a plot?

a. plot()
b. add()
c. label()
d. title()

Answer: d. title()

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q8. In traditional non software-defined network consisting of a network of switches, suppose OSPF is being used as the routing protocol. In this context which among the following is true.

a. All the switches execute OSPF distributively
b. Only one switch executes OSPF
c. No switch executes OSPF
d. All of these are true

Answer: a. All the switches execute OSPF distributively

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q9. In SDN, the Operating System (OS) is separated (i.e not strongly coupled) from the physical hardware for each switch.

a. True
b. False

Answer: a. True

Q10. Which among the following is a popular protocol implementing SDN?

a. OpenSwitch
b. OpenStack
c. OpenFlow
d. OpenEdge

Answer: c. OpenFlow

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q11. With respect to Software Defined Networking (SDN), which among the following is true?

a. SDN couples the data plane and control plane.
b. SDN has no relation to either data plane or control plane
c. SDN separates the data plane and control plane.
d. None of the stated.

Answer: c. SDN separates the data plane and control plane.

Q12. Consider the following figure below. To which issue of SDN does this particular figure can be related to?

a. Controller placement issue
b. Flow Rule placement issue
c. Hardware placement issue
d. Analysis placement issue

Answer: b. Flow Rule placement issue

Q13. Suppose that there are two LANs, each configured to be SDN enabled with their own set of switches and controller. Which among the following directional APIs will be used for communication between the two controllers?

a. Northbound API
b. East-Westbound API
c. Southbound API
d. Northeastbound API

Answer: b. East-Westbound API

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q14. Which among the following is true?

a. Backup Controllers have no use is SDN
b. There is no difference between the main controller and backup controller
c. Backup controllers take over when the main controller goes down
d. It is not a good idea to keep backup controllers.

Answer: c. Backup controllers take over when the main controller goes down

Q15. IoT being data intensive and having a lot of security concerns, it is a good idea to integrate SDN with IoT to mitigate many of these issues.

a. True
b. False

Answer: a. True

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q1. You have an IoT temperature sensor that is sensing temperature from a particular location and sending the data over the network to a server situated far away in another city for storage. This is an example of remote data logging.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q2. For a two-way communication between a client and server, i.e both the client and the server send data to each other, it is important that both of them knows about the following about each other

a) Only the IP address of server
b) Only the port number of client
c) Both the IP address and port number
d) Neither the IP address nor the port number

Answer: c) Both the IP address and port number

Q3. If you are using Raspberry Pi (RPi) to connect standard IoT sensors (such as DHT temperature sensors), which among the following components of the Raspberry Pi do you use connect your Pi to your sensor for data transfer.

a) HDMI port of the RPi
b) MicroSD card slot of the RPi
c) Ethernet LAN port of the RPi
d) General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pins of the RPi

Answer: d) General Purpose Input Output (GPIO) pins of the RPi

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q4. Is it possible to connect a single DHT temperature sensor with a suitable number of connection wires with two Raspberry Pis acting as a client for the same sensor.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q5. Which among the following denotes the correct connection order for a standard 4-PIN DHT sensor with the order of PIN numbers taken as 4, 3, 2, 1 (from right to left)

a) Data, Null, Ground, Power
b) Ground, Data, Power, Null
c) Ground, Null, Data, Power
d) Power, Data, Null, Ground

Answer: c) Ground, Null, Data, Power

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q6. Using the matplotlib library in Python, you are plotting a graph of pressure values versus time, with pressure taken in the vertical axis and time taken in the horizontal axis. While writing the code to plot the graph, which among the following is the correct parameter (denoted by ‘??’) that you can write within the function “ylabel(??)”

a) Time
b) Pressure
c) Length
d) Mass

Answer: b) Pressure

Q7. Lack of centralized control is a problem and limitation of traditional network architectures without Software Defined Networking (SDN) support

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q8. Detaching the physical hardware from the overlying software components, such as the Operating System (OS) and applications forms an important aspect of transitioning to SDN

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q9. Flow rules are stored within SDN switches that run the OpenFlow protocol in the following format.

a) Images
b) Files
c) Tables
d) None of these

Answer: c) Tables

Q10. Among the following, which is the most unlikely to be considered as a suitable candidate for a match-field for flow rules in SDN

a) Source port number of the packet
b) Destination IP address of the packet
c) Temperature of the switch motherboard
d) Destination MAC address

Answer: c) Temperature of the switch motherboard

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q11. In SDN, the central controller of one network can communicate with the central controller of another SDN network through which of the following directional APIs

a) East-West bound APIs
b) Southbound APIs
c) Westbound APIs
d) None of these

Answer: a) East-West bound APIs

Q12. Suppose in SDN, there are two switches S1 and S2. The same packet P arrives in both the switches, S2 does not have the appropriate flow rule to forward this particular packet, whereas S1 has. Then with respect to the two switches, what is the correct action that is taken.

a) S1 sends PACKET_IN to controller, S2 forwards the packet
b) S2 sends PACKET_IN to controller, S1 forwards the packet
c) Both S1 and S2 send PACKET_IN to controller
d) Both S1 and S2 forward the packet

Answer: b) S2 sends PACKET_IN to controller, S1 forwards the packet

Q13. No matter how big and SDN network becomes, we can never have more than one SDN controller.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q14. With Software Defined IoT, it is possible to control the individual physical sensor and actuator nodes as well as rule placement of the backbone network remotely by suitable orchestration and software.

a) Yes
b) No

Answer: a) Yes

Q15. Soft-WSN that has been proposed as one of the solutions to Software Defined IoT achieves the following

a) Only Device Management
b) Only Topology Management
c) Both Device and Topology Management
d) Neither Device nor Topology Management

Answer: c) Both Device and Topology Management

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Previous Course – NPTEL Week 7 Solutions

Q1. In Socket programming, the parameter AF_INET stands for ___________.

a) Unix protocols
b) Internet Protocol (IP)
c) File sharing
d) Time slicing

Answer: b) Internet Protocol (IP)

Q2. During remote server access by a Raspberry Pi, where the Raspberry Pi acts as a client, the client needs the following?

a) Only IP address of server
b) Only port number
c) Both server IP address and port number
d) Client’s IP address

Answer: c) Both server IP address and port number

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q3. If you are using Raspberry Pi to connect IoT sensors (such as DHT temperature sensors), which of the following python-based libraries lets you configure the sensors and read data from them?

a) Adafruit
b) Matplotlib
c) Numpy
d) Socket

Answer: a) Adafruit

Q4. You can store and log the different sensor data for processing in text (.txt) files but not comma separated value (.csv) files.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q5. Consider the following python script using the split() function, what will be the correct print output (SEE the options VERY carefully including the quotation marks)
dat = ‘Apple,Guava#Banana’
var = dat.split(“”#””) 

a) [‘Apple’,’Guava’,’Banana’]
b) [‘Apple’,’Guava’]
c) [‘Guava’,’Banana’]
d) [‘Apple,Guava’,’Banana’]

Answer: d) [‘Apple,Guava’,’Banana’]

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q6. In SDN, the central controller defines all the paths, flows and behavior of the network in a centralized manner.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q7. OpenFlow is a protocol that is used for traditional distributed OSPF based networking.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q8. In SDN _______ tables in switches describe the rules that the switch must follow for packet forwarding and are configured by the controller.

a) network
b) distance
c) hop
d) flow

Answer: d) flow

Q9. In a network architecture one logical hop between two nodes can actually be composed of multiple physical hops in the physical network.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q10. What among the following is a challenge while designing SDN architecture?

a) Control Placement only
b) Both Rule and control placement
c) Rule placement only
d) Switch placement

Answer: b) Both Rule and control placement

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

Q11. PACKET_IN type of messages are associated with which of the following directional APIs?

a) Eastbound APIs
b) Southbound APIs
c) Westbound APIs
d) Northbound APIs

Answer: b) Southbound APIs

Q12. For an SDN switch flow rule, the soft timeout is set to 2 minutes and the hard timeout is set to 6 minutes. After 6 minutes and 10 seconds since the flow rule was initialized, what will be the status of the flow be in the switch?

a) The flow will be surely deleted
b) The flow will be deleted if it receives no packet for 4 minutes
c) The flow will remain intact
d) The flow will remain intact with a random probability

Answer: a) The flow will be surely deleted

Q13. It is a good idea to keep a backup controller in an SDN architecture along with the main controller.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q14. Software Defined IoT solves the challenge of ____________ that is prevalent in traditional IoT networks.

a) uniformity
b) deployment
c) homogeneity
d) heterogeneity

Answer: d) heterogeneity

Q15. Sensor OpenFlow, Soft-WSN and SDN-WISE are examples of ____________.

a) Traditional routing protocols
b) Various SDN protocols for wired LANs
c) Various implementations of the concept of Software Defined IoT
d) Traditional IoT protocol examples

Answer: c) Various implementations of the concept of Software Defined IoT

Introduction To Internet Of Things Week 7 Solutions

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