Introduction To Internet Of Things | NPTEL | Week 12 Solutions

This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Introduction To Internet Of Things NPTEL Week 12 Solutions.

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Introduction To Internet Of Things NPTEL Week 12 Solutions

Q1. In general, the data collected from an interview can be analyzed through qualitative analysis.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q2. Which of the following is/are often involved with quantitative analysis?

a) Analysis of variables
b) Precision
c) Data dispersion
d) All of these

Answer: d) All of these

Q3. A complete model does not have the same number of variables as the name of equations.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q4. Which of the following model is mostly applied when it is necessary to compare more than 2 populations or samples?

a) Analysis of variance
b) Integration
c) Trigonometry
d) All of these

Answer: a) Analysis of variance

Q5. Fill in the blanks. The effect size, for determining statistical significance, is the standardized _________ difference between two groups.

a) Median
b) Mean
c) Inter quartile range
d) None of the above

Answer: b) Mean

Introduction To Internet Of Things NPTEL Week 12 Solutions

Q6. Which of the following is/are some of the future of the IoT applications in the agriculture?

a) Soil moisture monitoring
b) Automation in vermicomposting
c) Automated weeding system
d) All of these

Answer: d) All of these

Q7. Which of the following may be considered as the objective of smart water management using IoT?

a) Less yield using greater water requirement
b) Manual irrigation
c) Not supporting remote monitoring and controlling
d) None of these

Answer: d) None of these

Introduction To Internet Of Things NPTEL Week 12 Solutions

Q8. With the advancement in the sensors and connectivity, it is feasible to enable preventive care along with collecting patient’s data.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Introduction To Internet Of Things NPTEL Week 12 Solutions

Q9. Integrated design for remote server in AgriSens includes which of the following?

a) Web server
b) Repository data server
c) Multi users server
d) All of these

Answer: d) All of these

Q10. The data sensed by the physiological sensors in an IoT-based healthcare system are of no use without proper connectivity and communication.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Introduction To Internet Of Things NPTEL Week 12 Solutions

Q11. Match the following:

a) 1-a, 2-c, 3-b, 4-d
b) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c
c) 1-b, 2-a, 3-d, 4-c
d) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d

Answer: d) 1-c, 2-a, 3-b, 4-d

Q12. What is/are the risk/s involved in healthcare IoT?

a) Loss of connectivity
b) Security
c) Error
d) All of these

Answer: d) All of these

Q13. Activity monitoring, particularly in IoT scenario, plays a vital role for rendering better quality of life and sage guarding humans.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q14. Processing the sensed data on the device itself is known as __________ approach.

a) Network based
b) In-place
c) Out of the place
d) None of these

Answer: b) In-place

Q15. What is/are the different purpose/s that made wearable sensors popular?

a) Medical
b) Elderly-care
c) Child-care
d) All of these

Answer: d) All of these

Introduction To Internet Of Things NPTEL Week 12 Solutions

Previous Course – NPTEL Week 12 Solutions

Q1. Audio recordings collected through the microphone are subject to quantitative analysis.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Q2. Fill in the blank.
A statistical model depicts how a set of ________ variable is related to another set of _______ variable.

a) Random, normal
b) Normal, random
c) Discrete, normal
d) Random, random

Answer: d) Random, random

Q3. Select the statement(s) that denote the example of dispersion measure.
Statement I: Range, Variable and Standard deviation
Statement II: Range and average absolute deviation
Statement III: Variance, Standard deviation and average absolute deviation

a) Statement I
b) Statement II
c) Statements I, II, and III
d) None of these

Answer: c) Statements I, II, and III

Q4. The different components of AgriSens includes –

a) Sensor and actuator unit
b) Wireless communication unit
c) Power management unit
d) All of these

Answer: d) All of these

Introduction To Internet Of Things NPTEL Week 12 Solutions

Q5. The two most relevant sensors directly used in agricultures are __________.

a) Soil moisture and proximity sensor
b) Soil moisture and water level sensor
c) ECG sensor and water level sensor
d) All of these

Answer: b) Soil moisture and water level sensor

Introduction To Internet Of Things NPTEL Week 12 Solutions

Q6. The sensor node of AgriSens sense the average soil moisture in ______________.

a) Vegetative phase
b) Reproductive phase
c) Maturity phase
d) All of these

Answer: d) All of these

Q7. Select the correct order of the component layers present in the IoT healthcare.

a) Sensing layer, cloud platform layer, aggregated layer, processing layer
b) Sensing layer, aggregated layer, processing layer, cloud platform layer
c) Aggregated layer, sensing layer, processing layer, cloud platform layer
d) Sensing layer, processing layer, aggregated layer, cloud platform layer

Answer: b) Sensing layer, aggregated layer, processing layer, cloud platform layer

Introduction To Internet Of Things NPTEL Week 12 Solutions

Q8. Which of the following communication protocol is used in AmbuSens?

a) IEEE 802.15.4
b) 6LoWPAN
c) IEEE 802.15.1
d) IEEE 802.15.2

Answer: c) IEEE 802.15.1

Q9. Wireless IoT driven solutions for remote healthcare facility provisioning brings healthcare to patients than bringing patients to healthcare.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q10. Fill in the blank. The physical activity tracking is a necessary component for _____________.

a) Activity monitoring
b) Vehicle monitoring
c) Agriculture monitoring
d) All of these

Answer: a) Activity monitoring

Introduction To Internet Of Things NPTEL Week 12 Solutions

Q11. Which of the following handheld devices are used for activity monitoring?

a) EEG and GPS
b) Accelerometer and EEG
c) Accelerometer and GPS
d) All of these

Answer: c) Accelerometer and GPS

Q12. Which of the following is the primary disadvantage of using camera-based activity tracking?

a) Accurate
b) Processing intensive
c) Expensive
d) None of these

Answer: b) Processing intensive

Q13. By performing continuous monitoring of a person’s activity, it is not possible to observe his/her behavior or to identify any repetitive pattern in his/her day-to-day activity.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Q14. Which of the following are the inbuilt sensors that are present in high end smartphones?

a) ECG and EEG
b) Accelerometer, proximity sensor, and EEG
c) Accelerometer, Compass, and Gyroscope
d) Pressure sensor and NPK sensor

Answer: c) Accelerometer, Compass, and Gyroscope

Q15. Fill in the blank. Processing the handheld activity device data with artificial intelligence can be used for ________.

a) Fall detection
b) Heart rate detection
c) Vehicle detection
d) All of these

Answer: a) Fall detection

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