Introduction To Programming in C | NPTEL | Week 2 Assignment Solutions

This post will help you with the solutions of Introduction To Programming in C NPTEL 2022 Week 2 Assignment.

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Introduction To Programming in C NPTEL 2022 Week 2 Assignment Solutions

Week 2: Question 1

In this assignment, you will be given an NxN matrix. You have to
determine whether the matrix is a upper triangular or lower triangular matrix or both or not a triangular matrix. 
The diagonal of the matrix M of size NxN is the set of entries M(0,0),
M(1,1), M(2,2), …, M(N,N). 
A matrix is upper triangular if every entry below the diagonal is
0. For example,  
1 1 1
0 0 1
0 0 2
is an upper triangular matrix. (The diagonal itself, and the entries
above can be zeroes or non-zero integers.) 
A matrix is lower triangular if every entry above the diagonal is
0. For example, 
2 0 0
3 1 0
4 2 2
is a lower triangular matrix  (The diagonal itself, and the entries
below can be zeroes or non-zero integers.) . 
A matrix is not a triangular matrix if it is neither a upper triangular nor a  lower
You may not use arrays for this program.
First, you will be given N, which is the size of the matrix.
Then you will be given N rows of integers, where each row consists of
N integers separated by spaces. 
If the input matrix is lower triangular, then print -1.
If the input matrix is upper triangular, then print 1.
If the input matrix is both lower and upper triangular, then print 2.
If the input matrix is not a triangular matrix, then print 0.

Kindly do not use arrays in the code.
int main() {
  int N, val, lower = 1, upper = 1;
  scanf("%d", &N);
  for(int i=0; i<N; i++) {
    for(int j=0; j<N; j++) {
      scanf("%d", &val);
      if(i>j && val!=0)
        upper = 0;
      if(i<j && val!=0)
        lower = 0;   
  if((upper == 1) && (lower == 1))
  else if(upper == 1)
  else if(lower == 1)
  return 0;

Week 2: Question 2

You are given a sorted(either in the increasing or in the decreasing order) sequence of positive numbers, ending with a -1. You can assume that there are atleast three numbers before the ending -1. 
Note : -1 is not a part of input. It only signifies that input has ended.

Let us call the sequence x0  x1 … xn -1.

You have to output 1 if there are at least three distinct numbers in the sequence.
otherwise output 0
Kindly do not use arrays in the code.


int main() {
  int num, count = 0;
  scanf("%d", &num);
  while(num!=-1) {
    int x, y;
    x = num;
    scanf("%d", &num);
    y = num;
    if((x!=y) && (num!=-1))
  if(count >= 2)
  return 0;

Week 2: Question 3

You are given a non-negative sequence of numbers, ending with a -1. You can assume that there are at least two numbers before the ending -1. 
Note : -1 is not a part of input. It only signifies that input has ended.
Let us call the sequence x0  x1 … xn -1.
You have to output the second largest element of the sequence. if there is no second largest element in the sequence then output 0.

Kindly do not use arrays in the code.


int main() {
  int num, num1, num2;
  scanf("%d", &num);
  num1 = num;
  num2 = 0;
  while(num!=-1) {
    scanf("%d", &num);
    if(num1 < num) {
      num2 = num1;
      num1 = num;
  if(num2 != 0)
    printf("%d", num2);
  return 0;

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DISCLAIMER: Use these answers only for the reference purpose. Quizermania doesn't claim these answers to be 100% correct. So, make sure you submit your assignments on the basis of your knowledge.

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