Developing Soft Skills and Personality | NPTEL 2023 | Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Developing Soft Skills and personality NPTEL assignment solutions

This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL 2023 Week 1 Assignment Solutions.

The course aims to cause a basic awareness about the significance of soft skills in professional and inter-personal communications and facilitate an all-round development of personality. Hard or technical skills help securing a basic position in one’s life and career. But only soft skills can ensure a person retain it, climb further, reach a pinnacle, achieve excellence, and derive fulfilment and supreme joy. Soft skills comprise pleasant and appealing personality traits as self-confidence, positive attitude, emotional intelligence, social grace, flexibility, friendliness and effective communication skills.

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Week 0: Assignment answers
Week 1: Assignment answers
Week 2: Assignment answers
Week 3: Assignment answers
Week 4: Assignment answers
Week 5: Assignment answers
Week 6: Assignment answers
Week 7: Assignment answers
Week 8: Assignment answers
Week 9: Assignment answers
Week 10: Assignment answers
Week 11: Assignment answers
Week 12: Assignment answers

NOTE: You can check your answer immediately by clicking show answer button. Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL 2023 Week 1 Assignment Solution” contains 25 questions.

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Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL 2023 Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q1. What are the possible meanings of real learning?

a) Human interaction with the environment
b) Rejecting any possibility of change in oneself
c) Knowing a lot of trivia
d) Memorization skills
e) Desire and willingness to change oneself for better
f) Gathering many degrees

Answer: a), e)

Q2. Which one of the following reflect Stephen R. Covey’s statement–“Begin with the end in mind”?

a) One should have a goal in life.
b) One should always be preoccupied with the future.
c) One should not pay any attention to the journey.
d) One should try to achieve one’s goal even with ill means.
e) One’s purpose should drive one’s present actions and motivations
f) One should always worry about all the bad possible outcomes.

Answer: a), e)

Q3. Which of the following statements were made in Steve Jobs’ Commencement Address at Stanford?

a) “Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose.”
b) “Seek first to understand, then to be understood.”
c) “Death is very likely the single best invention of life. It is Life’s change agent.”
d) A musician must make music, an artist must paint, a poet must write,, if he is to be ultimately at peace with himself. What a man can be, he must be.”
e) “We are here to put a dent in the universe. Otherwise why else even be here?”
f) If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.” 

Answer: a), c), e)

Q4. Self-Actualization is defined differently by different thinkers. Which of the following characteristics can contribute to its true meaning? 

a) Having efficient perceptions of reality
b) Being able to laugh at oneself
c) Rejecting one’s flaws
d) Changing oneself to fit other people’s preferences
e) Having a continued appreciation for freshness
f) Investing in one’s creative and emotional growth
g) Acting on the basis of one’s prejudices and biases

Answer: a), b), e), f)

Q5. Which of the following suggestions would you give to Rani, who is trying to develop Self-Management Skills?

a) Prepare and plan
b) Make time for no-value tasks
c) Make time for no-value tasks
d) Ignore emotionally challenging situations for as long as you can
e) Know your priorities as you begin with the result in mind
f) Learn from your failures

Answer: a), c), f)

Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q6. Which of the following can make your inner core weak?

a) Pessimism
b) Fixed Mind-set
c) Expecting the best
d) Low Self-Esteem
e) Confidence
f) Poverty of Mind

Answer: a), b), d), f)

Q7. Within Abraham Maslow’s Hierarchy of Motivations, which of the following falls under the category of Emotional Needs?

a) Sex
b) Food
c) Love
d) Understanding
e) Esteem
f) Belongingness

Answer: c), f)

Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q8. Danah Zohar defined twelve principles that contribute to one’s spiritual intelligence. Which of the following are some of those? 

a) Field Independence
b) Self-Awareness
c) Isolation
d) Eliminating Diversity 
e) Spontaneity 
f) Humility

Answer: a), e), f)

Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q9. Different responses to various Optical Illusion exercises suggest the following:

a) There are perceptual differences among people.
b) There is only one way of looking at the world. 
c) One should reject other people’s perceptions and opinions.
d) They reveal about the fact that an individual’s perception of the world and her/his approach towards life may not be the same for all others.
e) Things may not exactly be how they seem to be at first.
f) They enhance self-awareness and empathy among people

Answer: a), d), e)

Q10. Which of the following phrases indicate one’s positive approach in life?

a) “See the glass half full instead of half empty.”
b) “There is light at the end of the tunnel.”
c) “Always expect the worst to happen because human life is to be lived in worst conditions.”
d) “This is awful. I don’t know what’s going to happen to me or to anyone else in the world.”
e) “Every cloud has a silver lining.”
f) “Life is divided into the horrible and the miserable.”

Answer: a), b), e)

Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q11. Fill in the blanks: “I now see______ as emerging from our most basic and primary need for and experience of deep meaning, essential purpose, and our most significant values and how these lead to a deeper, wiser, more questioning life and affect our decisions and experience.”

a) spiritual intelligence 
b) Soft skills
c) holism
d) material possessions
e) facial features
f) moral values

Answer: a) spiritual intelligence 

Q12. Which of the following lesson do we learn from the Funeral story discussed in Lecture 2?

a) One should plan things with no consideration to the result.
b) All is well that begins well.
c) It is important to have a sense of purpose when we begin something.
d) One should be obsessed with winning.
e) Death is the greatest equalizer and thus, one should be consumed by its reality.
f) Soft skills are not important to one’s life.

Answer: e)

Q13. Which of the following is necessary for self-actualization?

a) Ability to justify one’s bad habits and flaws.
b) Ability to maintain deep, loving bonds
c) Desire for excessive material wealth
d) Ability to justify one’s prejudices
e) Co-dependence on her/his partner or friends
f) Ability to repress one’s negative emotions

Answer: b)

Q14. What does perceptiveness mean?

a) Maintaining a fixed mindset
b) Expressing your negative emotions
c) Paying attention to gestures, non-verbal cues
d) Ability to cope up with failure positively
e) Ability to be rational in emotional situations
f) Ability to tell the future

Answer: c)

Q15. In the Three Need Theory by David McClelland, the need for Affiliation means:”

a) The sense of oneness with God
b) The sense of belonging to a group that affects you emotionally
c) The sense of being an influential member in a political party
d) The sense of belonging solely to oneself
e) The sense of romantic oneness with one’s beloved
f) The sense of satisfaction in being alone

Answer: b)

Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q16. According to Danah Zohar, the Sense of Vocation is an important principle underlying spiritual intelligence because: 

a) It makes one a global icon.
b) It rejects the need for passion in any work.
c) It fits well with the capitalistic nature of the market.
d) It is slavish in nature.
e) It aligns one with one’s deeper calling or purpose in life.
f) It promotes religious beliefs.

Answer: e)

Q17. Fill in the blanks: “To become better, deeper, more spiritually intelligent people, we have to grow a dimension of our being that is sensitive to the deepest meanings of human life– a sensitivity, if you like, to Plato’s famous triad of values: _______, Truth, and ______.”

a) Goodness, Passion
b) Passion, Beauty
c) Goodness, Beauty
d) Life, Lies
e) Goodness, God
f) Life, Beauty

Answer: c)

Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q18. Which of the following suggests the celebration of diversity?

a) A Bollywood-themed party
b) Religious segregation in a classroom 
c) Making teams based on similar race, colour, and caste
d) Allowing only a certain kind of food to a party
e) Making friends based on one’s prejudices
f) A fancy-dress competition highlighting different cultures

Answer: f)

Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q19. “Fools rush in, where angels fear to tread,” is a proverb about which of the following qualities?

a) Handling Stress
b) Self-Confidence
c) Patience, Trustworthiness, and Tolerance
d) Emotional Balance
e) Spontaneity
f) Compassion

Answer: c)

Q20. Abraham Maslow believes that “if you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life.” Which of the following is closely linked to this idea?

a) Authority/Power Motivation
b) Authority/Power Motivation
c) Celebration of Diversity
d) Holism 
e) Self-Actualization
f) Humility

Answer: e)

Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q21. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is a book by Stephen R. Covey.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q22. Conceptualizing the end means that one should always be consumed by the idea of death. 

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q23. Time Management is not a soft skill.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q24. According to Danah Zohar, Holism is not one of the twelve principles of Spiritual Intelligence.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Q25. One should not have a purpose in life; instead, one should float freely to be happy.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Developing Soft Skills and Personality NPTEL week 1 Assignment Solutions

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