This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Social Networks NPTEL Week 3 Assignment Solutions.
Course layout (Answers Link)
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Week 0: Assignment answers
Week 1:Â Introduction
Week 2: Handling Real-world Network Datasets
Week 3: Strength of Weak Ties
Week 4: Strong and Weak Relationships (Continued) & HomophilyÂ
Week 5:Â Homophily Continued and +Ve / -Ve Relationships
Week 6: Link AnalysisÂ
Week 7:Â Cascading Behaviour in Networks
Week 8:Â Link Analysis (Continued)
Week 9:Â Power Laws and Rich-Get-Richer Phenomena
Week 10:Â Power law (contd..) and Epidemics
Week 11: Small World Phenomenon
Week 12: Pseudocore (How to go viral on web)
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Social Networks NPTEL 2022 Week 3 Assignment Solutions
Q1. In social networks, friends and acquaintances respectively lead to:
a) Strong ties, weak ties
b) Weak ties, strong ties
c) Both lead to strong ties
d) Both lead to weak ties
Answer: a) Strong ties, weak ties
Q2. The below mentioned principle is referred as:
If two people in a social network have a friend in common, then there is an increased likelihood
that they will become friends themselves at some point in the future.
a) Structural holes
b) Social capital
c) Triadic closure
d) None of the above
Answer: c) Triadic closure
Q3. Consider the graph below (Figure 1), where each edge is labelled as S (strong tie) or W (weak tie) – except the edge connecting BB and CC. According to the theory of strong and weak ties, with the strong triadic closure assumption, what would be the label for the edge BCBC?

a) S (Strong)
b) W (Weak)
Answer: b) W (Weak)
Q4. In most of the real-world networks, a local bridge is a
a) bridge
b) strong tie
c) weak tie
d) None of the above
Answer: c) weak tie
Q5. Given that neighbourhood overlap of an edge mm is equal to 0. Then mm is ______
a) a strong tie.
b) an edge with high betweenness.
c) a local bridge
d) a triad.
Answer: c) a local bridge
Q6. Let the below given network (Figure 2) be friendship network. Then, the embeddedness of a relationship between v0v0 and v2v2 is:

a) 0
b) 3/6
c) 3/(3/2)
d) 3
Answer: d) 3
Q7. In Girvan-Newmann algorithm, we keep removing the ______
a) edges with lowest betwenness.
b) edges with highest betwenness.
c) nodes with highest degree.
d) nodes with lowest degree.
Answer: b) edges with highest betwenness.
Q8. What is the neighbourhood overlap of an edge connecting DD and BB from the below given graph?

a) 2/7
b) 2/11
c) 3/8
d) 3/16
Answer: a) 2/7
Q9. In Facebook network, a link represents reciprocal communication if:
a) the user followed information (like, share, visiting profile etc.) about the friend at the other end of the link, whether or not actual communication took place.
b) the user both sent messages to the friend at other side of the link, and also received messages from them during the observation period.
c) the user sent one or more messages to the friend at the other end of the link (whether or not these messages were replied back)
d) None of the above.
Answer: b) the user both sent messages to the friend at other side of the link, and also received messages from them during the observation period.
Q10. Computing betweenness Centrality of a given node involves computing which of the following?
a) All the shortest paths between the given node and the highest degree node.
b) All the longest paths between the given node and the highest degree node.
c) All the shortest paths that pass through the given node.
d) All the longest paths that pass through the given node.
Answer: c) All the shortest paths that pass through the given node.
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