Soft Skill Development | NPTEL 2025 | Week 1 Assignment Solutions

soft skills development nptel Week 1 answers

This set of MCQ (multiple choice questions) focuses on the Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers & Solutions. The Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers are crucial for understanding the course material.

Soft Skills, a buzzword today, has attracted the attention of students, professionals, and entrepreneurs all over the world. Every individual wants to get a coveted job.

Students seeking to improve their knowledge can greatly benefit from the Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers provided here.

Understanding the Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers will equip learners with essential skills needed in the professional world.

The modules will also provide insights into Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers that are vital for career advancement.

Employers often look for candidates who possess the skills highlighted in the Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers.

The Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers focus on the importance of effective communication in the workplace.

In a fast-changing world, it’s important to prove multiple skills in different situations. The course aims at creating awareness among stakeholders in the corporate world.

The role of individuals as team players and responsible leaders materializes to a great extent. The course, with its interactive and need-based modules, will address various challenges of communication and behavioral skills.

These challenges are faced by individuals in the workplace and organizations as they bridge the gaps through effective skills in interviews, group discussions, meeting management, presentations, and nuances of drafting various business documents for sustainability in today’s global world.

For those preparing for interviews, the Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers will serve as a valuable resource.

Utilizing the Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers can provide a competitive edge in job applications.

Remember, the Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers highlight key concepts that are frequently tested.

Course layout

Be sure to review the Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers before taking on your assignments.

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Week 1: Assignment answers
Week 2: Assignment answers
Week 3: Assignment answers
Week 4: Assignment answers
Week 5: Assignment answers
Week 6: Assignment answers
Week 7: Assignment answers
Week 8: Assignment answers
Week 9: Assignment answers
Week 10: Assignment answers
Week 11: Assignment answers
Week 12: Assignment answers

NOTE: You can check your answer immediately by clicking show answer button. Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers contains 15 questions.

Now, start attempting the quiz.

Soft Skill Development NPTEL 2025 Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q1. Deep listening can foster which of the following outcomes?
A: Increase dominance in conversations by controlling the dialogue.
B: Improved ability to decode verbal and non-verbal cues.

a) Both A and B are correct
b) Both A and B are wrong
c) A is correct, but B is wrong
d) B is correct, but A is wrong

Answer: d)

Q2. Filtering out parts of conversations does NOT help in which of the following?

a) Building genuine connection based on mutual understanding.
b) Maintaining focus on the primary topic of discussion.

Answer: a)

Q3. An emblem is a type of nonverbal communication where a gesture carries a specific meaning that is culturally defined and can often replace spoken words.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a)

Soft skill development NPTEL week 1 Answers

Q4. Active listening is used for ______.

a) Preparing counterarguments during a conversation.
b) Encouraging open and meaningful dialogue.
c) Gaining control over the conversation flow.
d) All of the above

Answer: b)

Q5. Overt communication is NOT helpful when:
A. It leads to excessive bluntness, causing interpersonal strain.
B. It overshadows subtle cues and nonverbal signals.
C. It fosters transparency and minimized misunderstanding.

a) A and B only
b) A and C only
c) B and C only
d) All of the above

Answer: a)

Q6. When you’re not given an opening to speak in a formal group setting, you can

a) wait for a pause
b) give nonverbal signals that you want to speal
c) speak up firmly
d) All of the above

Answer: d)

Soft skill development NPTEL week 1 Answers

Q7. When you are lying, you are manipulating your

a) gestures and pastures
b) friends
c) family
d) All of the above

Answer: a)

Q8. Emotions are often triggered by non-linguistic factors such as facial expressions, body language, and paralinguistic elements, which can alter the meaning of spoken language. Additionally, sensory stimuli such as sight, sound, and touch are mediated by both cognitive interpretation and physiological reactions. This indicates that emotional responses are influenced by both ____ and ____ factors.

a) Cognitive, physiological
b) Cognitive, psychological
c) Linguistic, non-linguistic
d) Physiological, environmental

Answer: a)

Q9. Can aggression have any use in group discussions?

a) Yes, it can be used to dominate the discussion and impose opinions.
b) Yes, it can help establish boundaries or push urgent actions in high-stakes situations.
c) No, it always disrupts communication and damage group dynamics.
d) No, it only serves to undermine authority and suppress participation.

Answer: b)

Soft skill development NPTEL week 1 Answers

Q10. Consider the following two statements:
A: Imperfect communication can lead to unintended meanings because language is inherently ambiguous and influenced by context.
B: Unintended meanings in communication always arise from the receiver’s inability to understand the sender’s message.

a) Both A and B are correct
b) Both A and B are wrong
c) A is correct, but B is wrong
d) B is correct, but A is wrong

Answer: c)

Q11. _____ is key to comprehensive listening.

a) Evaluating arguments
b) Interpreting meaning
c) Showing empathy
d) Giving feedback

Answer: b)

Q12. Power bias in the classroom is reflected by which of the following
A: Seating arrangement
B: Curriculum
C: Participatory learning environment

a) A, B and C are true
b) Only A and B are true
c) Only A and C are true
d) Only A is true

Answer: a)

Q13. In a one-sided conversation at a personal level, it is important to have patience while relegating an ____ topic to apparently ____ ones.

a) important, unimportant
b) sensitive, insensitive
c) unimportant, important
d) insensitive, sensitive

Answer: a)

Soft skill development NPTEL week 1 Answers

Q14. In formal group discussions, non-verbal gestures can be used to:

a) Intervene and redirect the conversation
b) show dissent
c) listen
d) All of the above

Answer: d)

Q15. Consider the following statements:
A: In a group discussion, ethical considerations should guide the way participants present their arguments and interact with others.
B: It is acceptable to use misleading information in a group discussion if it strengthens your argument.

a) Both A and B are correct
b) Both A and B are wrong
c) A is correct, but B is wrong
d) B is correct, but A is wrong

Answer: c)

Soft Skill Development NPTEL 2023 Week 1 Assignment Solutions

Soft skill development NPTEL week 1 answers

Q1. Hard skills are easily quantifiable and measurable but soft skills are not so easy to pin point.

a) False
b) True

Answer: b) True

Q2. Hearing and listening are not the same.

a) False
b) True

Answer: b) True

Q3. Context plays a significant role in deciding the use of language, gestures and postures and space and territory.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Soft skill development NPTEL 2023 week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q4. The things which disrupt or modify communication are called _____________.

a) Obstacles
b) Affect
c) Interruption
d) Filters and barriers

Answer: d) Filters and barriers

Q5. Which of the following are the examples of internal barriers?
i. Emotions
ii. Noise
iii. Biases
iv. Language

a) Only i and ii are correct
b) Only i and iii are correct
c) Only iii and iv are correct
d) All i, ii, iii and iv are correct

Answer: b) Only i and iii are correct

Q6. What is overt communication?

a) Implicit communication
b) Constructive communication
c) Explicit, with the intension to communicate
d) None of the above

Answer: c) Explicit, with the intension to communicate

Soft skill development NPTEL 2023 week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q7. ____________ plays a key role in assessing emotions of the people while they speak.

a) Facial expressions
b) Intonations
c) Voice
d) All the above

Answer: c) Voice

These essential Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers will aid in mastering the material presented in class.

Q8. Which of the following are examples of non-verbal communication?
i. Facial expressions
ii. Postures and Gestures
iii. Reading

a) Only i and ii are correct
b) Only i and iii are correct
c) Only ii and iii are correct
d) All i, ii and iii are correct

Answer: a) Only i and ii are correct

Q9. _____________ is the mother of all speaking.

a) Voice
b) Listening
c) Intonation
d) Verbal communication

Answer: b) Listening

Soft skill development NPTEL 2023 week 1 Assignment Solutions

Engaging with the Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers will deepen your understanding of soft skills.

Q10. Emotional aspect of listening has been best illustrated in the story by ____________.

a) Leo Tolstoy
b) Alexander Pushkin
c) Fyodor Dostoevsky
d) Anton Chekhov

Answer: d) Anton Chekhov

The insights provided in the Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers will help in practical applications.

Q11. What are the factors that one must consider before speaking in a small group?
i. Make eye contact
ii. Making a smooth transition from listening to speaking
iii. Avoiding showing signs that you are distracted

a) Only i and ii are correct
b) Only i and iii are correct
c) Only ii and iii are correct
d) All i, ii and iii are correct

Answer: d) All i, ii and iii are correct

Q12. Which of the following are examples of verbal communication?
i. Speaking
ii. Listening
iii. Reading
iv. Writing

a) Only i and ii are correct
b) Only i and iii are correct
c) Only ii and iii are correct
d) All i, ii and iii are correct

Answer: d) All i, ii and iii are correct

Q13. Listening to the complete information given by the speaker helps in
i. reducing confusion
ii. reducing cognitive load
iii. increasing the comprehension

a) Only i and ii are correct
b) Only i and iii are correct
c) Only ii and iii are correct
d) All i, ii and iii are correct

Don’t forget to apply the Soft Skill Development NPTEL Week 1 answers in your discussions.

Answer: d) All i, ii and iii are correct

Soft skill development NPTEL 2023 week 1 Assignment Solutions

Q14. The language should communicate certain things such as ________________.
i. Politeness
ii. Concern and understanding
iii. Interest and desire to share

a) Only i and ii are correct
b) Only i and iii are correct
c) Only ii and iii are correct
d) All i, ii and iii are correct

Answer: d) All i, ii and iii are correct

Q15. How is silence used in Japanese way of conversation?

a) A small silence before and after each time a person speaks
b) A silence after the conversation
c) A silence before the conversation begins
d) None of the above

Answer: a) A small silence before and after each time a person speaks

>> Next- Soft Skill Development Week 2 Assignment Solutions

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