Industrial Automation and Control | NPTEL | Week 0 Assignment 0 Solutions

This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 0 Assignment Solutions.

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NOTE: You can check your answer immediately by clicking show answer button. Moreover, this set of ” Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 0 Assignment 0 Solution” contains 11 questions.

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Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 0 Assignment 0 Solutions

Q1. Calculate the steady state current in 3ohm resistor shown in the figure below. The capacitance value is 0.2µF and internal resistance of the battery is negligible.

a) 1.5 A
b) 0.9 A
c) 0.6 A
d) None

Answer: c) 0.6 A

Q2. Which of the following options is not correct according to Kirchhoff’s Current Law(KCL)?

a) Total current entering a junction is equal to total current leaving
b) Sum of total current at a node is zero
c) We can apply KCL at any point on a straight current carrying conductor.
d) KCL is applicable to closed loops in a network

Answer: d) KCL is applicable to closed loops in a network

Q3. Calculate the mutual inductance of two coils having values 50µH and 100µH connected in series and have a total inductance of 70µF.

a) 40µF
b) 50µF
c) 80µF
d) None

Answer: a) 40µF

Q4. Thermocouples are

a) Active transducers
b) Passive transducers
c) Both active and passive transducers
d) Output transducers

Answer: a) Active transducers

Q5. The op-amp circuit given below is that of a

a) Low-pass filter with a maximum gain of 1
b) Low-pass filter with a maximum gain of 2
c) High-pass filter with a maximum gain of 1
d) High-pass filter with a maximum gain of 2

Answer: d) High-pass filter with a maximum gain of 2

Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 0 Assignment 0 Solutions

Q6. The digital circuit shown in the figure works as:

Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 0 Assignment 0 Solutions

a) JK flip-flop
b) Cocked RS flip-flop
c) T flip-flop
d) Ring Counter

Answer: c) T flip-flop

Q7. A MUX circuit shown in the figure below implements a logic function F1. The correct expression for F1 is:

Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 0 Assignment 0 Solutions

a) (x⊕y)’⊕z
b) ((x⊕y)’⊕z)’
c) (x⊕y)⊕z’
d) (x⊕y)⊕z

Answer: b) ((x⊕y)’⊕z)’

Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 0 Assignment 0 Solutions

Q8. For the unity feedback control system shown in the figure, the open-loop transfer function G(s) is given as G(s) = 2/s(s+1). The steady state error ess due to unit step input is

Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 0 Assignment 0 Solutions

a) 0
b) 0.5
c) 1
d) ∞

Answer: a) 0

Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 0 Assignment 0 Solutions

Q9. Determine the range of K for stability of unity feedback system whose open loop transfer function is G(s) = K/s(s+1)(s+2)

a) K>0
b) 0 < K < 6
c) 0 > K > 6
d) K > 6

Answer: b) 0 < K < 6

Q10. The transfer function Y(s)/U(s) of a system described by the state equations x(t) = -2x(t) + 2u(t), y(t) = 0.5x(t)

a) 0.5/(s-2)
b) 1/(s-2)
c) 1/(s+2)
d) 0.5/(s+2)

Answer: c) 1/(s+2)

Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 0 Assignment 0 Solutions

Q11. The root locus plot for a system is given below. The open loop transfer function corresponding to this plot is given by

Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 0 Assignment 0 Solutions

a) G(s)H(s) = k.s(s+1)/(s+2)(s+3)​
b) G(s)H(s) = k.(s+1)/s(s+2)(s+3)
c) G(s)H(s) = k.1/s(s-1)(s+2)(s+3)
d) G(s)H(s) = k.(s+1)/s(s+2)(s+3)2

Answer: d) G(s)H(s) = k.(s+1)/s(s+2)(s+3)2

>> Next- Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 1 Solutions

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