This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 12 Assignment Solutions.

Course Layout
- Week 0: Assignment Solution
- Week 1: Assignment Solution
- Week 2: Assignment Solution
- Week 3: Assignment Solution
- Week 4: Assignment Solution
- Week 5: Assignment Solution
- Week 6: Assignment Solution
- Week 7: Assignment Solution
- Week 8: Assignment Solution
- Week 9: Assignment Solution
- Week 10: Assignment Solution
- Week 11: Assignment Solution
- Week 12: Assignment Solution
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Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 12 Assignment Solutions
Q1. In function automation hierarchy, 5 levels of automation starting from level 0 up-to level 4 are categorized into Control system, Manufacturing execution system and Business system. Choose the correct mapping.
a) Business system (level 4 and 3), Manufacturing execution system (level 2 and 1), Control system (level 0)
b) Business system (level 4), Manufacturing execution system (level 3 and 2), Control system (level 1 and 0)
c) Business system (level 4 and 3), Manufacturing execution system (level 2), Control system (level 1 and 0)
d) Business system (level 4), Manufacturing execution system (level 3), Control system (level 2, 1 and 0)
Answer: d)
Q2. What do blocks A, B and C represent respectively in the given figure below?
a) Regulatory control, Planning and scheduling, Process
b) Planning and scheduling, Regulatory control, Process
c) Process, Regulatory control, Planning and scheduling
d) Planning and scheduling, Process, Regulatory control
Answer: b)
Q3. What do blocks A and B in the following figure represent in supervisory control?
a) A – Data preprocessing, B – Real-time optimization
b) A – Real-time optimization, B – Data preprocessing
c) A – actuator, B – Data preprocessing
d) A – Data preprocessing, B – Actuator
Answer: a)
Q4. Noise, improper calibration and plugged lines are faults in which of the following process elements?
a) Sensors
b) Actuators
c) Controller
d) Process
Answer: a)
Q5. Which of the following does not come under Enterprise level (level 4)?
a) Human resource
b) Documentation
c) Setting production goals
d) Production scheduling
Answer: d)
Q6. FMS stands for __________.
a) Fieldbus Message Scheduler
b) Fieldbus Message Sublayer
c) Fieldbus Message System
d) File Manage System
Answer: b)
Q7. The Network layer is absent in a Fieldbus network because:
a) the task composition in the system are fixed
b) the routing of messages is fixed
c) the traffic is nearly fixed
d) the layer has limited requirement
Answer: b)
Q8. In a typical Fieldbus architecture, FB and SM blocks are part of:
a) Data Link Layer
b) Application Layer
c) Physical Layer
d) User Layer
Answer: d)
Q9. Statement I: Cyclic communication is applicable in case of transfer valve position.
Statement II: BD device is not capable of becoming a LAS
Chose correct option based on above statements,
a) Statement I is TRUE only
b) Statement II is TRUE only
c) Both are TRUE
d) Both are FALSE
Answer: c)
Q10. Cyclic and acyclic communication is handled in:
a) Data Link Layer
b) Physical Layer
c) Network Layer
d) Transport Layer
Answer: a)
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