This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 3 Assignment Solutions.

Course Layout
- Week 0: Assignment Solution
- Week 1: Assignment Solution
- Week 2: Assignment Solution
- Week 3: Assignment Solution
- Week 4: Assignment Solution
- Week 5: Assignment Solution
- Week 6: Assignment Solution
- Week 7: Assignment Solution
- Week 8: Assignment Solution
- Week 9: Assignment Solution
- Week 10: Assignment Solution
- Week 11: Assignment Solution
- Week 12: Assignment Solution
NOTE: You can check your answer immediately by clicking show answer button. Moreover, this set of ” Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 3 Assignment Solution” contains 10 questions.
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Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 3 Assignment Solutions
Q1. ___________ and ___________ are some of the objectives of Automatic control.
a) Controller parameter tuning, stability maintenance
b) Stability maintenance, Set-point following
c) Disturbance addition in plant’s output, Disturbance rejection
d) Disturbance rejection, controller parameter tuning
Answer: b)
Q2. What is a direct acting controller and what happens to controller output when measurement goes above the set-point?
a) A direct acting is one whose output increase when measurement increases. Controller output increases when measurement goes above set-point.
b) A direct acting controller is one whose output decrease when measurement increases. Controller output decreases when measurement goes above set-point.
c) A direct acting controller is one whose output increase when measurement increases. Controller output decreases when measurement goes above set-point.
d) A direct acting controller is one whose output decrease when measurement increases. Controller output increases when measurement goes above set-point.
Answer: a)
Q3. Suppose there is 2nd order system represetned by s+a/(s+b)(s+c), where a>0, b>0 and c<0. Explain why the system is unstable (explain what happens in time domain).
a) The system is unstable as the response tends to ±∞ as t → ∞ due to pole b.
b) The system is unstable as the response tends to ±∞ as t → ∞ due to pole c.
c) The system is unstable as the response tends to ±∞ as t → ∞ due to zero a.
d) The system is unstable as the response tends to 0 as t → ∞ due to pole b.
Answer: b)
Q4. When a system is BIBO stable?
a) A system is BIBO stable when output is bounded for unbounded input.
b) A system is BIBO stable when output is unbounded for unbounded input.
c) A system is BIBO stable when output is bounded for bounded input.
d) A system is BIBO stable when output is unbounded for bounded input.
Answer: c)
Q5. The impulse response of a system can be obtained by which of the following?
a) Integrating the unit step response
b) Integrating the unit ramp response
c) Differentiating the unit ramp respone
d) Differentiating the unit step response
Answer: d)
Answer: b)
Q7. Derivative time: __________.
a) It is time for the proportional term to equal the derivative term for step error signal.
b) It is time for the proportional term to equal the derivative term for parabola error signal.
c) It is time for the proportional term to equal the derivative term for ramp error signal.
d) It is time taken to repeat proportional control action for step error signal.
Answer: c)
Q8. __________ is the process of accumulating the integral component beyond the saturation limits of final control element.
a) Integral windup
b) Derivative Time
c) Integral Time
d) Integral – Derivative Time
Answer: a)
Answer: c)
Q10. Realization of derivative in the PID controller should limit the gain for __________.
a) Extremely Low Frequency Noise
b) Low Frequency Noise
c) Medium Frequency Noise
d) High Frequency Noise
Answer: d)
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