This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 8 Assignment Solutions.

Course Layout
- Week 0: Assignment Solution
- Week 1: Assignment Solution
- Week 2: Assignment Solution
- Week 3: Assignment Solution
- Week 4: Assignment Solution
- Week 5: Assignment Solution
- Week 6: Assignment Solution
- Week 7: Assignment Solution
- Week 8: Assignment Solution
- Week 9: Assignment Solution
- Week 10: Assignment Solution
- Week 11: Assignment Solution
- Week 12: Assignment Solution
NOTE: You can check your answer immediately by clicking show answer button. Moreover, this set of ” Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 8 Assignment Solution” contains 10 questions.
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Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 8 Assignment Solutions
Q1. Specific gravity of a liquid is Sg = 1.5, value flow coefficient Cv = 1.15 ls-1psi-0.5 and pressure drop â–³P = o.13 psi. Find the liquid flow rate Q rounded off up to 2 decimal places?
a) o.34 ls-2
b) o.33 ls-1
c) o.34 ls-1
d) o.35 ls-1
Answer: c)
Q2. By what percentage does the flow through a linear value will decrease at 60% opening as compared to fully open condition?
a) 60%
b) 40%
c) 20%
d) 10%
Answer: b)
Q3. Pneumatic actuators have __________ speed and ___________ size than those of Solenoid actuator?
a) Higher, Larger
b) Higher, Smaller
c) Lower, Smaller
d) Lower, Larger
Answer: d)
Q4. Match the valves shown in following figure with their types?
a) A – Linear, B – Equal percentage, C – Quick opening
b) A – Quick opening, B – Equal percentage, C – Linear
c) A – Linear, B – Quick opening, C – Equal percentage
d) A – Quick opening, B – Linear, C – Equal percentage
Answer: d)
Q5. Dynamic viscosity(µ) of a liquid is 8.9 x 10-4 kg/ms, pipe’s cross-section(A) is 8 cm2 and hydraulic diameter(DH) of the pipe is 6 cm. Reynolds number(Re) is 2.5 x 105. Find mass flow rete (W) through the pipe. (rounded off up-to 2 decimal places)
Q6. Statement I: Remote I/O can be analog and digital.
Statement II: Local I/O carries data in multiplexed form.
Find the correct option based on statements above.
a) Only Statement I is TRUE
b) Only Statement II is TRUE
c) Both are TRUE
d) Both are FALSE
Answer: c)
Q7. Video RAM is a kind of ___________.
b) Single Ported DRAM
c) Dual Ported DRAM
Answer: c)
Q8. Which out of the following is the main function of a Watchdog timer?
a) control the compare mode
b) control the capture mode
c) Protection from failure to the system
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: c)

Answer: a)
Q10. In the Ladder diagram show in the Figure above, coil CR1 will energize if:
Statement I: CR7 is off, CR2 is on, CR5 is on.
Statement II: CR1 is on, CR4 is on, CR5 is on.
Statement III: CR1 is on, CR4 is on, CR2 is on, CR6 is on, CR5 is off, CR3 is off, CR7 is on.
Find the correct option based on statements above:
a) Only Statement I is TRUE
b) Only Statement I and II are TRUE
c) Only Statement II and III are TRUE
d) All are TRUE
Answer: c)
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