This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 6 Assignment Solutions.

Course Layout
- Week 0: Assignment Solution
- Week 1: Assignment Solution
- Week 2: Assignment Solution
- Week 3: Assignment Solution
- Week 4: Assignment Solution
- Week 5: Assignment Solution
- Week 6: Assignment Solution
- Week 7: Assignment Solution
- Week 8: Assignment Solution
- Week 9: Assignment Solution
- Week 10: Assignment Solution
- Week 11: Assignment Solution
- Week 12: Assignment Solution
NOTE: You can check your answer immediately by clicking show answer button. Moreover, this set of ” Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 6 Assignment Solution” contains 10 questions.
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Industrial Automation and Control NPTEL Week 6 Assignment Solutions
Q1. Which statement is TRUE for the given PID controller?
Kc(1 + 1/TiS + TdS)
Where, Kc = Controller gain, Ti = Integral time, Td = Derivative time
a) Parallel and interfacing form
b) Parallel and non-interacting form
c) Series and interacting form
d) Series and non-interacting form
Answer: b)
Q2. A typical process has number of process equation n, number of process variables f and number of external variables nd. What is the Degree of Freedom (DOF) of the process?
a) f – (n + nd)
b) f + n + nd
c) f – n + nd
d) f – (n – nd)
Answer: a)
Q3. A CNC machine requires ___________ Control.
a) Analog
b) Logic
c) Both Analog and Logic
d) Discrete
Answer: c)
Q4. Communication tasks to supervisory computer for trend updates can be implemented in ____________ mode of execution.
a) Cyclic
b) Interrupt Driven
c) Clock Driven
d) Delay Driven
Answer: b)
Answer: a)
Answer: a)
Answer: d)
Answer: c)
Q9. Timed cycles for electric welding machines (output is energized at the start of the cycle when input voltage is applied and automatically de-energized after a time duration) can be implemented by which one of the following timers?
a) ON delay timer
b) OFF delay timer
c) ON-interval timer
d) Flasher
Answer: c)
Q10. What does NC and NO terms in NC contact and NO contact stand for, respectively?
a) Normally closed, Normally ON
b) Normally closed, Normally open
c) Normally closed, Normally OFF
d) Normally closed, Normally opposite
Answer: b)
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Plzzzzz send fast assignment 6 answer today is last dat
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