Soft Skills | NPTEL | Week 8 Solutions

soft skills nptel assignments

This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Soft Skills Week 8 Solutions.

Soft Skills, a buzz word today, has attracted the attention of students, professionals and entrepreneurs all over the world. Every individual wants to get a coveted job. In a fast changing world, it’s important to prove multiple skills in different situations. The course aims at creating awareness among the stock holders of the corporate world in which the role of individuals as team players and also as responsible leaders materializes to a great extent.  The course, with its interactive and need based modules, will  address various challenges of communication as well as behavioural skills  faced by individuals at workplace and organizations in  bridging the gaps through  effective skills of interviews, group discussions, meeting management, presentations  and nuances of drafting various  business documents  for sustainability in today’s global world.

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NOTE: You can check your answer immediately by clicking show answer button. Soft Skills Week 8 Solutions” contains 15 questions.

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Soft Skills week 8 Solutions

Q1. Frontispiece is a bound report material, which serves as a window display of the whole report.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Soft Skills week 8 SolutionsSoft Skills week 8 Solutions

Q2. A preface includes a brief idea of the work and acknowledgements.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q3. The expression, ‘Food for thought’ is a cliche.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Soft Skills week 8 Solutions

Q4. Logically arranged paragraphs do not conform to parallelism.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Q5. Circumlocution should be used in report writing.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Soft Skills week 8 Solutions

Q6. A forwarding letter is a-

a) Statement of Informing
b) Statement of Submittal
c) Statement of Approval
d) None of the above

Answer: b) Statement of Submittal

Q7. An abstract usually has which type of description?

a) Qualitative
b) Quantitative
c) Both Qualitative and Quantitative
d) Neither Qualitative nor Quantitative

Answer: a) Qualitative

Soft Skills week 8 Solutions

Q8. When one paraphrases a concept in a study without explicitly citing it in the text, they include it in ?

a) Reference
b) Bibliography
c) Endnotes
d) Footnotes

Answer: b) Bibliography

Soft Skills week 8 Solutions

Q9. Excessive use of ___________ makes the readers dangle from one word/phrase to another.

a) Idioms
b) Verbs
c) Pronouns
d) Adjectives

Answer: d) Adjectives

Q10. Self- oriented roles in a group include-

a) Harmonizing
b) Co-ordinating
c) Controlling
d) Initiating

Answer: c) Controlling

Soft Skills week 8 Solutions

Q11. If the number of terms are more than 10, references are included in a _________.

a) Footnotes
b) Reference
c) Index
d) Glossary

Answer: d) Glossary

Q12. These have a concise, clear record of the main purpose of the study and important results of the study. What are they called?

a) Reference
b) Abstract
c) Summary
d) Preface
e) Revision

Answer: b), c)

Q13. What are the disadvantages of groups?

a) Individual ideas are encouraged
b) It is unproductive and frustrating
c) Groupthink may often lead to excellent decision making
d) It is difficult to coordinate with everyone
e) It creates a sense of belonging

Answer: b), d)

Soft Skills week 8 Solutions

Soft Skills Week 8 Solutions

Q1. Which of the following features is/are included in an abstract?

a) Pagination
b) Graphs and charts
c) Purpose of the report
d) Equations, figures, and tables

Answer: c) Purpose of the report

Soft Skills week 8 Solutions

Q2. Which among the following does not formulate an executive summary of a report?

a) Objectives
b) Findings
c) Methodology
d) References

Answer: d) References

Q3. “Style for functional writing should be unobtrusive, an invisible medium like a windowpane through which the information can be clearly seen”. 
Who has said these lines?

a) George Orwell
b) Nathanial Hawthorne
c) George Elliot
d) Mohsin Hamid

Answer: a) George Orwell

Soft Skills week 8 Solutions

Q4. What is/are the advantage(s) of group communication?

a) Seldom productive and fruitful
b) Individual views are often ignored
c) Creates a sense of belonging and adds group dynamics
d) Hidden agenda of some may affect group interaction

Answer: c) Creates a sense of belonging and adds group dynamics

Q5. Which one is/are the correct form of MLA formatting style?

a) Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for writers of Research Papers. Sixth Edition. New Delhi: EWP. 2004
b) Gibaldi, J. MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers. 2004. New Delhi, Edition: EWP.
c) Both A & B
d) None of the above

Answer: a) Gibaldi, Joseph. MLA Handbook for writers of Research Papers. Sixth Edition. New Delhi: EWP. 2004

Soft Skills week 8 Solutions

Q6. An abstract is a clear, concise, and condensed record of any report or research paper.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q7. Summary is generally shorter than the abstract.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Soft Skills week 8 Solutions

Q8. Acceptance of everyone’s ideas without any discussion is one of the advantages of group communication skills. 

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Soft Skills week 8 Solutions

Q9. Working towards a common set of goals is one of the characteristics of a team.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q10. Glossary serves as a window display of the report.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Soft Skills week 8 Solutions

Q11. ___________ is one of the ways of improving report style.

a) Readability
b) Impenetrability

Answer: a) Readability

Q12. A _________ is an assemblage of persons who work, interact, and co-operate with one another in achieving a common goal in a specified time.

a) Team
b) Group

Answer: b) Group

Soft Skills week 8 Solutions

Q13. A group of people who join for achieving a common goal within a stipulated period, having collective accountability is known as the _________ .

a) team
b) propagandists

Answer: a) team

Q14. Encouraging, harmonizing, and compromising come under _________ roles of the group.

a) self-oriented
b) maintenance

Answer: b) maintenance

Soft Skills week 8 Solutions

Q15. A language full of technical or special words used in a particular profession is called __________.

a) jargon
b) trope

Answer: a) jargon

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