Soft Skills | NPTEL 2023 | Week 7 Assignment Solutions

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This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Soft Skills Week 7 Solutions.

Soft Skills, a buzz word today, has attracted the attention of students, professionals and entrepreneurs all over the world. Every individual wants to get a coveted job. In a fast changing world, it’s important to prove multiple skills in different situations. The course aims at creating awareness among the stock holders of the corporate world in which the role of individuals as team players and also as responsible leaders materializes to a great extent.  The course, with its interactive and need based modules, will  address various challenges of communication as well as behavioural skills  faced by individuals at workplace and organizations in  bridging the gaps through  effective skills of interviews, group discussions, meeting management, presentations  and nuances of drafting various  business documents  for sustainability in today’s global world.

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Week 7: Assignment answers
Week 8: Assignment answers
Week 9: Assignment answers
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Week 11: Assignment answers
Week 12: Assignment answers

NOTE: You can check your answer immediately by clicking show answer button. Soft Skills Week 7 Solutions” contains 15 questions.

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Soft Skills week 7 Solutions

Q1. Technical reports have a colloquial language.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Soft Skills week 7 SolutionsSoft Skills week 7 Solutions

Q2. In a short report, unnecessary materials are added to ‘References’.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Q3. There is no analysis and recommendations in an informative report.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Q4. One advantage of observation is that it reports behavior rather than interprets it.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Q5. One must avoid leading questions in a questionnaire.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Soft Skills week 7 Solutions

Q6. What isn’t a goal of adjustment letters?

a) To recommend an employee
b) Rectification of the wrong
c) Promotion of further business
d) Regaining customer confidence

Answer: a) To recommend an employee

Q7. What is a formal communication written for a specific purpose called?

a) Minutes
b) Agenda
c) Notice
d) Report

Answer: d) Report

Soft Skills week 7 Solutions

Q8. Technical reports have an/a _______ approach whereas literary writings have an/a ________approach.

a) Subjective, Objective
b) Objective, Subjective
c) Mixed, Subjective
d) Objective, Mixed

Answer: b) Objective, Subjective

Soft Skills week 7 Solutions

Q9. What is not a disadvantage of Telephonic Interview?

a) No observation
b) Difficult to secure privacy
c) Less chance of refusal by respondents
d) Detailed data not available

Answer: c) Less chance of refusal by respondents

Q10. What is the advantage of questionnaires?

a) Respondent is always identified
b) Questions are different for different people
c) Different respondents will provide various answers based on how they interpret the questions, giving more than one answer to the problem.
d) Bias of interviewer is eliminated

Answer: d) Bias of interviewer is eliminated

Soft Skills week 7 Solutions

Q11. In note-making, which type of punctuation marks are used in pairs, one at the beginning of the quoted text and one at the end, while quoting an author?

a) Ellipsis
b) Hyphen
c) Quotation marks
d) Parentheses

Answer: c) Quotation marks

Q12. What is the purpose of questionnaires?

a) To survey large number of people
b) To waste time
c) Seek clarification
d) To include multiple perspectives
e) To find interesting answers

Answer: a), c)

Soft Skills week 7 Solutions

Q13. What are the primary ways of Data collection?

a) Library
b) Investigation
c) Internal sources
d) Personal observation
e) Information apps

Answer: b), d)

Soft Skills Week 7 Solutions

Q1. The term “reports” has been derived from the Latin word:

a) Reportare
b) Rapporteur
c) Reportee
d) Reportere

Answer: a) Reportare

Soft Skills week 7 Solutions

Q2. Find out the correct statement(s) about the personal interview as a method of data collection:

a) An interview shows both verbal and non-verbal behaviour
b) It accommodates the obtrusive behaviour of the interviewer
c) It can provide the interviewer with further information after observation
d) Both A & C

Answer: d) Both A & C

Q3. Which of the following doesn’t comprise the salient features of a report?

a) A formal piece of writing
b) A factual account
c) Written in a pompous language
d) Well organised

Answer: c) Written in a pompous language

Q4. What is/are the objective(s) of a report?

a) To update progress
b) To arrive at a result based on data collection
c) To spread information
d) All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

Soft Skills week 7 Solutions

Q5. Which is the best method of data collection when you have a large crowd:

a) Personal interviews
b) Questionnaire
c) Telephonic interview
d) Personal observation

Answer: b) Questionnaire

Q6. No fixed structure is included in literary writings.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Soft Skills week 7 Solutions

Q7. Technical reports are subjective in approach.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Q8. Unity and coherence are the salient features of a report.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Soft Skills week 7 Solutions

Q9. Short reports are usually formal in nature.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Soft Skills week 7 Solutions

Q10. One should consistently use concise, plain, and direct language while drafting a technical report.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q11. ___________ language is used in technical reports.

a) Plain
b) Rhetorical

Answer: a) Plain

Q12. There is no aesthetic pleasure included in __________ reports.

a) mechanical
b) technical

Answer: b) technical

Soft Skills week 7 Solutions

Q13. A __________ is a formal communication written for a specific purpose; it includes a description of procedures followed for the collection and analysis of data.

a) report
b) bibliography

Answer: a) report

Q14. ____________ reports are non-technical in nature.

a) Management
b) Routine

Answer: a) Management

Q15. Library and the Internet are the ____________ sources of data collection.

a) primary
b) secondary

Answer: b) secondary

Soft Skills week 7 Solutions

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