Soft Skills | NPTEL | Week 9 Assignment Solutions

soft skills nptel assignments

This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Soft Skills Week 9 Solutions.

Soft Skills, a buzz word today, has attracted the attention of students, professionals and entrepreneurs all over the world. Every individual wants to get a coveted job. In a fast changing world, it’s important to prove multiple skills in different situations. The course aims at creating awareness among the stock holders of the corporate world in which the role of individuals as team players and also as responsible leaders materializes to a great extent.  The course, with its interactive and need based modules, will  address various challenges of communication as well as behavioural skills  faced by individuals at workplace and organizations in  bridging the gaps through  effective skills of interviews, group discussions, meeting management, presentations  and nuances of drafting various  business documents  for sustainability in today’s global world.

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Week 8: Assignment answers
Week 9: Assignment answers
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NOTE: You can check your answer immediately by clicking show answer button. Soft Skills Week 9 Solutions” contains 10 questions.

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Soft Skills Week 9 Solutions

Q1. GD has an emergent leader instead of a designated leader. 

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Soft Skills week 9 Solutions

Q2. It is important that a meeting should not have a leader so that all other members of the meeting can put forth their views and reviews without any hesitation. 

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Q3. Group discussion is a formal and systemic face-to-face communication among participants to express and exchange their views on a topic. 

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q4. To participate in a GD, a candidate should not have assertiveness. 

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Q5. For a GD, topic is announced in advance while for a debate the topic is announced on the spot. 

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Soft Skills week 9 Solutions

Q6. To be an ethical employer, one needs to provide the employees with some of the rights. Which of the following are not among them?

a) Right to freedom (from discrimination) 
b) Right to freedom for disregarding the responsibility 
c) Right to health and safe working condition
d) Right to leave the organization without any notice 

Answer: b), d)

Q7. Which of the following are NOT among the causes of conflicts in a G.D?

a) Clash of ideas 
b) Emergence of a group leader 
c) Conflict of opinion 
d) Competence of the participants 

Answer: b), d)

Q8. Which of the following are the essential traits of leadership? 

a) Competence
b) Consistency 
c) Callousness
d) Frivolity

Answer: a), b)

Soft Skills week 9 Solutions

Q9. Which of the following actions can help a leader save the group discussion in resolving conflict? 

a) By deciding the agenda of the meeting beforehand and ensuring it’s understood by the participants 
b) By speaking on behalf of the participants to avoid difference of opinions
c) By forcing the members to agree to a particular idea to avoid clash of opinions 
d) By reminding the participants not to digress from the topic given by the panel 

Answer: a), d)

Q10. What are the important tasks that a leader/manager should do before conducting a meeting? 

a) Describe the failures of the members in achieving their targets
b) Assign responsibility to each member
c) Summarize the discussion to make sure everyone has understood the main points
d) Threaten the employees to make them complete the task before the deadline 

Answer: b), c)

Soft Skills week 9 SolutionsSoft Skills week 9 Solutions

Soft Skills Week 9 Solutions

Q1. Which one of the following is not a trait of leadership?

a) Enthusiasm
b) Charisma
c) Indecision
d) Assertiveness

Answer: c) Indecision

Soft Skills week 9 Solutions

Q2. A leadership style in which one person makes all the decisions and takes relatively few inputs from the rest of the group is called

a) Laissez-faire
b) Democratic
c) Transactional
d) Autocratic

Answer: d) Autocratic

Q3. Who developed the “Least Preferred Co-Worker (LPC) Scale” to measure leadership style?

a) Fiedler
b) Bloom
c) Likert
d) Freud

Answer: a) Fiedler

Q4. Which one of the following qualities should be shown by a participant during a group discussion?

a) Dominance
b) Ignorance
c) Subjectivity
d) Flexibility

Answer: d) Flexibility

Q5. Which one of the following is not evaluated during a group discussion?

a) Candidate’s awareness
b) Leadership
c) Hypocrisy
d) Clarity of thoughts

Answer: c) Hypocrisy

Soft Skills week 9 Solutions

Q6. The sole purpose of a group discussion is to check the candidate’s fluency.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Q7. Employees should be considered as more than just a means to a goal.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Soft Skills week 9 Solutions

Q8. Effective leadership is always task-oriented.

a) True
b) False

Answer: b) False

Q9. A meeting without an agenda is like a journey without a destination.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q10. Every group discussion should aim at a logical conclusion. 

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Soft Skills week 9 Solutions

Q11. _____________ are written records of what was transacted at a meeting.

a) Notes
b) Minutes

Answer: b) Minutes

Q12. A _________ leader influences people by their ability to communicate and persuade.

a) visionary
b) charismatic

Answer: b) charismatic

Soft Skills week 9 Solutions

Q13. __________ leadership is a style of leadership that encourages individuals to transcend their self-interests for a larger cause. 

a) Transactional
b) Transformational

Answer: b) Transformational

Q14. Charismatic leaders present themselves as agents of ____________ change.

a) radical
b) superficial

Answer: a) radical

Soft Skills week 9 Solutions

Q15. __________ leaders are not supposed to appreciate individuals in public.

a) Japanese
b) Dutch

Answer: b) Dutch

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