Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

Cloud Computing NPTEL assignment answers

This set of MCQ(multiple choice questions) focuses on the Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions.

Cloud computing is a scalable services consumption and delivery platform that provides on-demand computing service for shared pool of resources, namely servers, storage, networking, software, database, applications etc., over the Internet. It is a model for enabling ubiquitous, on-demand access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources, which can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort. This course will introduce various aspects of cloud computing, including fundamentals, management issues, security challenges and future research trends.

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Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

Q1. Statement I: Fog computing supports real-time interactions which is not the case in cloud computing.
Statement II: Fog computing reduces latency compared to cloud computing.
Select the correct option.

a) Statement I is TRUE and Statement II is FALSE.
b) Statement II is TRUE and Statement I is FALSE.
c) Both statements are TRUE.
d) Both statements are FALSE.

Answer: b) Statement II is TRUE and Statement I is FALSE.

Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

Q2. In the Cloud-Fog-Edge Computing paradigm, Cellular base stations, Network routers and WiFi Gateways can run applications.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q3. Which of the following statement(s) are true regarding the cloud-fog environment model?

a) The cloud-fog environment model consists of three layers: a client layer (edge), a fog layer, and a cloud layer.
b) Virtual machines (VMs) operate for the cloud data server, process them, and then deliver the results to the cloud server manager.
c) If there is no/limited availability of resources in the fog layer, then the request is passed to the cloud layer.
d) Fog servers contain fog server manager and virtual machines to manage requests by using container virtualization technique.

Answer: a), c)

Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

Q4. Which of the following algorithms used in resource management in cloud-fog-edge computing is used to capture the performance (of entities like, CPU, storage, network, etc.) of a computing system?

a) Discovery
b) Load Balancing
c) Placement
d) Benchmarking

Answer: d) Benchmarking

Q5. According to the service placement taxonomy in fog-edge computing, which of the following can be classified as online vs offline?

a) Control plan design
b) Placement characteristic
c) System dynamicity
d) Mobility support

Answer: b) Placement characteristic

Q6. Select the correct statement(s) regarding offloading.

a) Offloading is a technique in which a server, an application, and the associated data are moved from the edge to the cloud.
b) Offloading augments the computing requirements of individuals or a collection of user devices.
c) Offloading from cloud to the edge can be achieved by server offloading.
d) Offloading from user device to edge can be achieved by application partitioning.

Answer: b), c), d)

Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

Q7. Different Cloud Service Providers join together to form a federation.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Q8. Which of the following are NOT benefits of cloud federation?

a) Minimize resource utilization
b) Load balancing
c) Maximize power consumption
d) Global utility

Answer: a), c)

Q9. In which of the following cloud federation architectures, creation of cross site networks and cross site migration of VMs are used?

a) Loosely coupled federation
b) Partially coupled federation
c) Tightly coupled federation
d) None of the above

Answer: c) Tightly coupled federation

Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

Q10. In which of the following architectures, two or more partner clouds interoperate to aggregate their resources and provide users with a larger virtual infrastructure?

a) Hybrid/Bursting Architecture
b) Aggregated Architecture
c) Broker Architecture
d) Multiplier Architecture

Answer: b) Aggregated Architecture

Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

Q1. Which of the following statements is/are false?

a) Fog and Edge computing are substitutes for cloud computing.
b) Fog and Edge computing may aid cloud computing in overcoming some of the limitations like latency issues.

Answer: a)

Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

Q2. Which of the following is not a layer of the Cloud-Fog environment model?

a) Client layer
b) Serverless layer
c) Fog layer
d) Cloud layer

Answer: b) Serverless layer

Q3. In the Cloud-Fog environmental model, servers contain a fog server manager and virtual machines to manage requests by using ________ technique.

a) Image virtualization
b) container virtualization
c) Server virtualization
d) None of these

Answer: c) Server virtualization

Q4. The architecture used for resource management in fog/edge computing is classified on the basis of which of the following?

a) Tenancy
b) Dat flow
c) Hardware
d) All of these

Answer: a), b)

Q5. Which of the following underlying algorithm(s) is used to facilitate fog/edge computing?

a) Discovery
b) Load balancing
c) Benchmarking
d) Cache Flow

Answer: a), b), c)

Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

Q6. _________ is a technique in which a server, an application and the associated data are moved onto the edge of the network.

a) Containerization
b) Virtualization
c) Offloading
d) None of these

Answer: c) Offloading

Q7. Cloud federation is the collaboration between cloud service providers to achieve which of the following ? Choose the most appropriate option(s).

a) Capacity utilization
b) Interoperability
c) Offloading
d) None of these

Answer: a), b)

Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

Q8. Which of the following is false about loosely coupled federations?

a) Limited inter operations between cloud instances.
b) Usually no support for advanced features.
c) Advanced control over remote resources.
d) None of Ithese

Answer: c) Advanced control over remote resources.

Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

Q9. In which of the following different CSPs establish an agreement stating the terms and conditions under which one partner cloud can use resources from another.

a) Loosely coupled federation
b) Partially coupled federation
c) Tightly coupled federation
d) All of these

Answer: b) Partially coupled federation

Q10. Hybrid architecture combines the existing on-premise infrastructure (usually a private cloud) with remote resources from one or more public clouds to provide extra capacity to satisfy peak demand periods.

a) True
b) False

Answer: a) True

Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

Previous Course – Week 9 Assignment Solutions

Q1. Statement: In the fog layer, latency is less but the probability of network congestion is high. The above statement is:

a) True
b) False

Answer: b)

Q2. The term “Fog Computing” was introduced by:

a) IBM
b) Huawei
c) Cisco
d) Amazon

Answer: c)

Q3. Smartwatch is an example of

a) Cloud
b) Fog node
c) Edge device
d) None of the above

Answer: c)

Q4. Involving only the cloud for directly processing the IoT applications may not be an efficient design. Which of the following could be the reason:

a) Processing time
b) Network bandwidth
c) A large amount of generated data
d) All of the above

Answer: b), c)

Q5. A model that makes use of both edge resources and the cloud is referred to as:

a) Cloud computing
b) Edge computing
c) Fog computing
d) None of the above

Answer: c)

Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

Q6. The _________________ coordinates distributed compute nodes and performs deployment of VMs or containers to each fog/edge node

a) hardware
b) middleware
c) system software
d) none of these

Answer: c)

Q7. Which of the following are not the characteristics of fog infrastructure?

a) Scalability
b) Mobility
c) Data consolidation
d) High latency

Answer: c), d)

Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

Q8. Which of the following type of algorithm captures the performance of resources for deciding and maximizing the performance of deployments

a) Discovery
b) Benchmarking
c) Load-balancing
d) Placement

Answer: b)

Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

Q9. Which of the following are the benefit of cloud federation?

a) Maximize resource utilization
b) Minimize power consumption
c) Centralized processing
d) All of the above

Answer: a), b)

Q10. Which of the following cloud architecture combines on-premise infrastructure with remote resources from one or more public clouds to provide extra capacity during peak demand?

a) Broker architecture
b) Aggregated architecture
c) Bursting architecture
d) Multitier architecture

Answer: c)

Cloud Computing Week 9 Solutions

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